Re: Getting the group back on track

Harry Halpin writes:

> +1 to this email.


>> I have more to say on all the above subjects, but in the interest of
>> keeping this email short, here's a summary: we already have a nice and
>> dandy serialization format that fits the toolchains of most of the web
>> frameworks out there.  We've spent a lot of time getting it to a state
>> that the group seems reasonably happy with.  We should take advantage of
>> that and move forward on recommending APIs that people can use.
> +1. I hope we can get a LDP/micropub - and let's not forget ActivityPump
> convergence. Microformats can convert to JSON, and so can RDF. Thus, I
> don't see a huge problem with going forward with AS2.

Yes, I think this is the best past forward towards a type of
convergence.  I think that Linked Data/RDF and Microformats both can
work well here:

 - ActivityStreams can be converted to RDF anyway if you choose to use
   the relevant json-ld tooling.  So these were never so far apart

 - Aaron Parecki is working on a Microformats implementation in JSON,
   even if a bit lossy we have some examples which suggest how to
   transform between them in the AS 2.0 document, and Tantek has started
   to put together a nice document on how to determine the types from
   the type of data submitted to Micropub (amongst other things).

So that's already pretty useful for convergence purposes.
 - Chris

Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2015 03:17:24 UTC