Re: a user liking a post

> 1. _:like-of here implies it's a bnode, but I think it's not actually a
> bnode.  It's going to be problematic for many to reuse this predicate
> without the predicate being a URL.  Is this something on the horizon, do
> you know?

I couldn't say. I actually store <> at the
moment, which was only ever intended to be temporary (eg. curl -H "Accept:

> 2. The semantics of a post liking another post seems slightly unnatural to
> me.

The semantics are *not* 'a post likes a post'. The semantics are 'this post
represents a like of this other post'. Hence *like-of*, not *likes*. A post
in this sense could be considered exactly the same as an AS2 Like Activity.
They are both objects which represent a relationship between a person (the
author/creator/actor) and another object (the post). Whether this
relationship should be made more explicit is subject for a different thread
I guess (possibly something the API can resolve, as AP starts to specify -
see 1.1 <>).

>   I guess this is more for the notification in a stream once a like has
> been performed.

Ah, I think you mean the notification in stream *as opposed to a list of
things a user likes*. Well, either could trigger either, I guess. Starting
from the users' perspectives:

> I see your post I like, click 'like'.
> you see notification "Amy liked your post"
> I see in my feed "you liked Melvin's post"
> Jessica sees in her feed "Amy liked Melvin's post"
> On my profile, the list of things I like grows to include your post.
> On your post, the number of 'likes' displayed is incremented.

All of these results can be triggered either by creation of a Like type
object / like-of post, or creation of a direct *likes *relation between me
and the post. Personally I prefer the first option (which can generate the
direct relation if need be), for reasons I've already said (metadata,

> In my scenario the like object can live anywhere.  That's an
> implementation detail.

I'm not sure what the 'like object' is in your scenario, as you have only
indicated the direct relation between the person and the liked thing so
far. Did I miss something? My response has been on the basis that you do
not have a 'like object', just a relation.

>   In practice I think I will go with putting the like as close to the
> liked thing as possible, as it may turn out to be easier to discover.

I'd be inclined to prioritise data ownership for users, and put the like as
close to the author as possible, rather than the liked thing.


>> Interestingly, I don't think any of the major centralised social networks
>> I've looked at have external URIs for likes, but I think it's a safe bet
>> they have internal ones and store data about the *like *happening.
>> Twitter doesn't even allow you to get a list of users who have favorited a
>> tweet through their API (though on an individual tweet there's a boolean
>> "favorited" property) and a quick search will reveal lots of developers
>> complaining about this inability..
> Well that gives us a competitive advantage then, namely, unexpected reuse.
>> Amy
>> On 23 August 2015 at 01:23, Melvin Carvalho <>
>> wrote:
>>> I've noticed that the concept of a user liking a post is deployed in a
>>> number of systems.
>>> But it seems there are a number of ways of doing it.
>>> I just wanted to see if there are pros and cons of different approaches.
>>> Right now I do something like:
>>>   <#me> <> <content>
>>> It seems simple, lightweight and meets my needs.
>>> Are people in general going to use AS2 for this, is there a good vocab
>>> to switch to?
>>> Thoughts appreciated ...

Received on Sunday, 23 August 2015 08:57:28 UTC