Re: Issue-19 questions remain - a proposal

Am 22.04.2015 02:29, schrieb Harry Halpin:
> Again, myself, Wendy Seltzer, and the rest of the T-and-S domain
> when discussed noted that using wikis, mailing lists, and telecons
> are normal W3C process and that there is no mechanism to force an
> individual to use a particular one. In fact, this is the usual way
> things are done in W3C.

As far as I understand it this discussion is a result of a *single*
influencial person not reading mails and the acceptance of this by
some people. *That* is what wastes time.

(I am convinced that this attitude also corresponds to technical views
of that person, but that is another matter.)

Such discussions do not take place in the ASF. There every discussion
*must* take place on the appropriate mailing list. Otherwise it will
not be considered in decisions. A simple rule which helps a lot to
guarantee a minimum of transparency and communication.

So far I thought that mailing lists are the main day to day discussion
medium normal used by W3C WGs. I am not aware of any other WG, IG or
CG where a leading member declared that he or she is not reading mails.

Unfortunately I do not have much time to spend on this WG. I
especially do not have time to spend synchronously but I am reading
mail asynchronously and try to respond to it sometimes.

> Furthermore, most WGs are indeed, moving off of mailing lists and 
> towards more IRC-centric, wiki or github-centric work mode.

Github issue trackers can be and are used as mailing lists.

I hope that the WG will be able to eat its own dogfood in the future.
But that will require the integration of mail - which, btw, is an old
form of federated social media.


Received on Thursday, 23 April 2015 17:05:56 UTC