Proposal: de-namespace vcard in the normative AS2 JSON-LD context



Currently, the normative JSON-LD context for Activity Streams 2.0
includes a namespaced reference to vcard, allowing things like:

  "@context": "",
  "@type":  ["Person", "vcard:Individual"],
  "vcard:fn": "Jane Jones"

While this is helpful, the use of the namespace prefix is irritating.
Given that there are currently no naming conflicts between AS2 and
VCard terms, I would like to propose that we de-namespace the VCard
terms within the AS2 normative context. That would mean allowing and
implementer to do:

  "@context": "",
  "@type":  ["Person", "Individual"],
  "fn": "Jane Jones"

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 15:42:32 UTC