Re: GNU MediaGoblin

>On 11/27/2014 02:21 PM, Jessica Tallon wrote:
>>  We plan to use URLs as IDs for
>>  media/comments/collections/activities/etc. and acct:username@host.tld
>>  for users e.g:
>I assume that you support webfinger based discovery for acct: URIs. Do
>you have some example JRD documents it returns?
Yes we do, It's at /.well-known/webfinger and the source code for it is:
>>  The internal IDs should remain completely internal and the API will 
>>  expose the global URL IDs. If we were writing MediaGoblin from 
>>  today we probably wouldn't have integer based internal IDs.
>>  We currently have some basic support in our models for serialization 
>>  JSON you can see this:
>Thanks, will check it out...
>>  Some info on what the data those attributes on the User model hold:
>>      id = The internal integer based ID (legacy)
>>      public_id = federated URL like ID which will be used when
>>  interacting with other servers
>>      slug = slug based on the title which is used to create the URL 
>>  the user will see (i.e. not the API link but the user facing website)
>I guess username ~= slug but for 'user'
Yes, in a webfinger the mediagoblin username is the portion before the 
@host.tld e.g.: my username would be 
>>  The "url" parameter I'm presuming is on the User? This is the users
>>  personal site that will be displayed on their profile.
>I think it could help avoid confusion (especially for future
>contributors) if you would use something like homepage, or website for
>such purpose.
>Sorry if it sounds like nit picking but i really consider *url* as
>special keyword possibly useful to distinguish URL supporting Content
>Negotiation & HTTP verbs (@id) from static HTML (url) let's say on some 
I agree that "homepage" would be a better fit however this was already a 
parameter pre-federation and the term "url" was chosen, I left it the 
same simply to have one less thing to migrate over, it's always 
difficult migrating models and data from a legacy to support something 
completely different.

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 15:33:43 UTC