Compacting on ActivityStreams receive in the API?


I'm working on a minimal experiment that I'm hoping to use to track the
standards as we develop them in this working group (it's currently a toy
rather than a real implementation... I'm not sure that it'll be a fully
useful implementation yet, but it'll be nice if it will be).

This lead me to hit a point we've discussed, but I don't think have
specified for sure (?)... what's the plan around compacting incoming
data?  It's reasonable to assume that we should compact any json-ld
before sending across the wire in the federation and social APIs... but
what about incoming data in the social API?  Should we "just assume"
it's already compacted, or should we run it through the compacting tool
anyway to enforce that it is?

Thoughts on this?
 - Chris

(Bonus question: at what point do we imagine we'll be expanding
documents in implementations?)

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2014 20:26:54 UTC