"Activity Vocabulary" Cand Rec: confusing document naming

The recently published
   "Activity Vocabulary"
confused me, as I read the following in the beginning

1. Introduction
> The Activity Streams 2.0 Core Syntax defines the JSON syntax for Activity
> Streams. This document defines the vocabulary properties.
> The *Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary* defines a set of abstract types and
> properties that describe past, present and future Activities. The
> vocabulary is defined in two parts:

It is not completely obvious that what I emphasized in the quote above
actually refers to *this* document. I.e. that "Activity Vocabulary" ==
"Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary" !

Why not let *this* spec have the full name?

At least, the other foundational document, which is here referred to as
   Activity Streams 2.0 Core Syntax
is published with the name
   Activity Streams 2.0
Not the full name, but at least more specific than for the vocabulary spec.



Olle Olsson   olleo@sics.se   Tel: +46 8 633 15 19  Fax: +46 8 751 72 30
         [Svenska W3C-kontoret: olleo@w3.org]
SICS [Swedish Institute of Computer Science]
Box 1263
SE - 164 29 Kista

Received on Monday, 19 December 2016 17:30:45 UTC