Re: a common understanding of profiles

On 26 June 2015 at 15:31, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:

> On 6/26/15 8:23 AM, Evan Prodromou wrote:
>> On 2015-06-26 07:37 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>> Regarding the URI above.  It can become slightly problematic attaching
>>> key value pairs to an HTTP document, also doubling as a Person.
>> I'm pretty sure I didn't do that in the example I gave.
>>> So, how to get interoperable profiles?
>> Pick a data standard, and a way to find the profiles. Then, everybody
>> implements that.
>> It would be wrong to assume that the point of this working group is to
>> make Melvin's site implemented in FOAF with Turtle talk to Aaron's site
>> implemented in HTML with microformats.
>> We're here for the important goals of defining a social syntax, and
>> social API, and a federation protocol for the seven billion people on the
>> entire planet -- not to build ad hoc bridges for the few dozen people
>> participating in this group.
>> Ultimately, that means some people here are going to have to compromise,
>> hold their nose, and implement a data standard that they don't usually use
>> or like.
>> -Evan
> Evan,
> Your goal is attainable using standards (e.g., URIs, RDF Language, various
> Notations, and various serialization formats) correctly.
> Turtle and JSON-LD are immaterial. What's important are the following, as
> far as I know:
> 1. Identifying what entity you are talking about using a naming mechanism
> (e.g., HTTP URI or an HTTP URL + and indexical)
> 2. Describe entity you are talking about, using a Language (system of
> signs, syntax, and semantics) and a notation
> 3. Persist entity descriptions to documents using a serialization format
> 4. Publish entity descriptions to the Web from an Address identified using
> a naming mechanism (e.g. HTTP URL) .
> Melvin can do that using Turtle, and you can do the same using JSON-LD,
> the notation doesn't matter. What matters is the combined use of signs,
> syntax, and semantics  to encode and decode information (data in some
> context) that's readable by both humans and machines.
> We can do this! We just have to accept that syntax != semantics.
> Syntax is about rules that control how the words of a language are
> arranged to form sentences that represent entity relationships.
> Semantics is about the meaning of the roles in the syntactic arrangement.
> For instance, using the RDF Language (not a format) you have:
> Abstract Syntax: subject->predicate->object
> Semantics: the meaning of the roles: subject, predicate, and object .
> Conclusion:
> JSON-LD is fine, so is RDF-Turtle, or any other notation (how the words of
> a language are represented). We MUST end these distracting wars that
> eternally oriented around syntax at the expense of signs (e.g., HTTP URIs
> or HTTP URLs + an indexical) and semantics.
> Put differently, if you are happy pursuing this endeavor with JSON-LD as
> the default, no problem, nothing is broken or will break per se. There will
> be enough structure for automated tweaks.

FYI: switched to

> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web:
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Received on Friday, 26 June 2015 15:08:40 UTC