An Introduction to the Technical Components of Social Business - update


I've made an update on the An Introduction to the Technical Components of
Social Business file where I recovered the social platform definition that
was sparked in the Social Web Headlights Task Force.

It includes the layers of the platform and does not talk about technology
that was the main focus of the so called social block. The problem of
focusing on the technology that makes social business happen is it creates
a tunnel vision of making it a reality because technology alone does not
provide the foundation of creating a full integrated into the organization
value chain that includes all the stakeholders

Now, with a platform framework defined it's possible to keep going what
kind of technologies must constitute each of parts (worked before on the
social block). That's the idea of the update to keep moving.

Talk with you latter.

Alberto Manuel

Received on Wednesday, 9 January 2013 12:09:53 UTC