R: notes from Social Business CG discussion on April 3 of the W3C Social Networking Headlights Project's draft block diagram

Hello all,

Sorry i could not make it yesterday but Tuesday is quite a tough day for me usually. I am looking forward to seeing the first use cases coming up.

Regarding the SN picture this is indeed a tough task listing them, further considering there are "dependencies" between several of them, that would be worth noting somehow.
It would also be useful to have a page listing all these specifications and corresponding url(s)

Here are some other comments:

-          I agree with Alberto I am not familiar with activitystreams being used for profile (although the definition of person objects but they are typically not used for a full profile representation). On the other hand I would definitely introduce Opensocial as profile data representation. It is wire compatible with portable contacts but would deserved being mentioned separately. So would I do in groups & contacts.

-          Regarding search vs discovery I do see them as distinct topics: discovery is based on a specific identity that you already know, for which you want to "discover" additional information (where to access profile, activities, avatar, etc), search (at least profile search) is primarily for "searching" the identity of a user based on some criteria (eg profile attributes). Of course search could also apply to other entities, such as activities, groups, places, etc so it may deserve a top-level box on its own.

-          I would also mention salmon in other boxes than reactions. Diaspora is using it for a variety of other means, some of which are interesting such as messaging (in between email-like and chat-like, say FB-like), likes and other reactions made by others on your activities, etc

-          Regarding push I would cite OMA Push as a standard for mobile notifications, and the event-source for browser notifications

-          In the data structures you could also mention JRD (XRD  json representation introduced in rfc6415)

-          I have not clear the semantics of the single boxes within sharing: is it referred to a protocol for sharing eg location, or a data format, or something else?

-          I also would suggest to add OMA MobSocNet (Mobile Social Network) as another standard fin this area. MobSocNet is an "umbrella" standard that captures some (quite a few) of the specifications cited already in this picture and bring them together to create an end-to-end standard (for mobile but not only). So I may suggest an "umbrella" or "end-to-end" top-level box that would capture this.


Da: Alberto Manuel [mailto:bpm.tst@gmail.com]
Inviato: mercoledì 4 aprile 2012 9.21
A: Rich Rogers
Cc: public-socbizcg@w3.org
Oggetto: Re: notes from Social Business CG discussion on April 3 of the W3C Social Networking Headlights Project's draft block diagram

Hi All:

Here are my comments:

 *   Activity Streams appears both in news feed and profile. is this duplication correct, or Activity Strea.ms is one thing and Activity Streams is other. Semantically speaking I am only familiar with Activity Streams use for collaboration on task execution. Typically and taking for reference the drawing it should be part of the News feed (in this particular case the feed is about work you are interest to monitor or need to take action).
 *   Search and Discovery. Again can be conflicting regarding concepts. In my opinion search is looking for information in order to read, learn, make a decision, use it. Discovery is more about understand, have a picture, a snapshot about a concept that belong to a domain, I mean: What where the activities performed and how they are linked?; What are the people that can help me carrying out a particular task? What is the interrelation between concepts used in my company? In order works I see discovery more like Mining. Thus I would use Search and Discovery. Open Graph shows me a set of relationships among people for example, then I can make a search of a particular node in the graph and the associated information.
 *   Business Intelligence is missing as also Mining Intelligence (Process mining).
 *   Semantic and Ontological features could be important to help people find the meaning of things in such a diverse information network.


Alberto Manuel

No dia 3 de Abril de 2012 21:36, Rich Rogers <rrogers@us.ibm.com<mailto:rrogers@us.ibm.com>> escreveu:

Social Business CG wants to provide feedback to the Headlights project,
providing our social business perspective.

Ann is posting info on the next headlights project meeting for those that
would like to join.

In addition we can continue to work on feedback via this mailing list and
in our next call (April 17).

Here are the notes from the block diagram discussion in the April 3 Social
Business CG meeting:


Scope includes more than people - it also includes things. Non human
actors, e.g. in HR - a job has a role, an address, co-workers, equipment.
Consider adding LinkedData to the identity block.
Role based identity is required in SB.
Relationships between people and things. Non humans in the social graph

ActivityStrea.ms - comment that there is an organization behind it so the
label "no standards body" is not correct- http://activitystrea.ms/
CMIS standard should be represented. Discussion about where - perhaps a new
block for artifact, or document - the current block titled "sharing" may be
appropriate although the "sharing" block itself may need refactoring
HTML5 should be represented, perhaps as an enabling / supporting technology
analogous to the "data structures" block
Search - same as discovery? inclination is that this is different



 Rich Rogers, Senior Technical Staff, CPHIMS

 Healthcare Standards
 IBM Software Group
 Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
 Phone: +1 919-543-8040<tel:%2B1%20919-543-8040>

 Skype: rich_rogers

 "It's all about the people."

 "Make it happen."

Alberto Manuel

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 11:03:08 UTC