Re: Completion of ACTION-255

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the report.

Along the way, were there any issues identified that should be added to 
our test cases?


On 10/18/11 2:48 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> To complete ACTION-255 [1] I have documented my findings below on the
> testing conducted between the two different IBM products - WebSphere
> Message Broker (WMB) and WebSphere Application Server (WAS).
> Both these products have SOAP/JMS capabilities and both products use Axis 2
> for underlying SOAP support, but the SOAP/JMS implementation in each
> product is different.  Each SOAP/JMS handler was developed independently
> from the other.
> Interoperability testing has been carried out between WebSphere Message
> Broker 7.0.2 and WebSphere Application Server 7.0.9 and the tests found a
> number of defects which have been fixed in subsequent maintenance levels.
> The products now pass their interoperability tests, and so have been
> demonstrated to be interoperable.
> Regards
> Mark
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 12:58:49 UTC