SML WG Conf Call

20 Apr 2009

See also: IRC log


Kumar, Henry, Len, John, Ginny
Sandy, Kirk
Kumar Pandit


Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s):

<johnarwe_> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sml/2009Apr/att-0030/20090413-sml-minutes.html

RESOLUTION: minutes of 4/13/09 approved.

Action items

No AIs open.

review bugs

bug# 6805

<johnarwe_> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6805

john: any objection to resolving bug# 6805?

RESOLUTION: bug# 6805 should be resolved as fixed.

bug# 6806

<johnarwe_> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6806

john: any objection to resolving bug# 6806?

RESOLUTION: bug# 6806 should be resolved as fixed.

Rec track documents

henry: I suggest 4/30 as the publication date for SML/SML-IF rec track documents.

kumar: Does 'implementations' refer to documents or processors or both?

henry: Since all checks of being well-formed are done by processors the word refers to processors.

Len: the current wording allows implementations to support only 5e. is that ok?

henry: All documents that are well-formed under 4e are also well-formed under 5e, therefore a processor that only supports 5e will be able to support all 4e documents.

kumar: Will this be true for all future editions of XML 1.0?

henry: yes. We refer to 'later editions' and not 'later versions' for that reason. All later editions will always be backward compatible.

len: In that case, I am ok with it.

Review EPR and XLink Notes

john: kirk has agreed to provide the final draft on 5/4.
... Please review the xlink note and provide your comments. Deadline for comments is 5/4/09 as well.
... I may not be able to run the meeting on 5/4. Is the group ok with treating the meeting on 5/4/09 as virtual meeting? (that is, discuss issues over email).

RESOLUTION: we will discuss issues over email that were going to be discussed in the meeting on 5/4/09.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.134 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/04/21 08:02:21 $
Last Scribe Date        Member Name         Regrets pending 
2008-05-22              Lynn, James         Until further notice 
2009-01-08              Smith, Virginia     First  half of Mondays (probably scribe-exempt) 
2009-01-15              Gao, Sandy          Second half of Mondays (probably scribe-exempt) 
2009-04-06              Wilson, Kirk               5/4 
2008-04-13              Charest, Len 
2009-04-20              Pandit, Kumar 
Exempt                  Arwe, John           
Exempt                  Henry Thompson