[w3c sml][agenda] 2007-07-26 SML Teleconference

Marv/Kumar, it appears you may be scribing this week. 
Jordan/Bassam, you should be prepared to scribe next week (in case those 
in front of you run away)

Chair: when sending out an agenda, use following format 
  [w3c sml][agenda] yyyy-mm-dd SML          in subject of email ([agenda] 
agreed to, rest chair's convention) 
Chair: when sending out an updated agenda, use following format, "n" = 
update number, 1st update == 2, etc. 
  [w3c sml][agenda][ver n] yyyy-mm-dd SML   in subject of email ([agenda] 
[ver n] agreed to, rest chair's convention) 
Scribe: read entire agenda, I restructured it so your "to do"s around the 
scribe list are time-sequenced 
  i.e. less to remember

The phone number to use for the SML WG teleconference is documented on the 
WG's administrative home page: 

Participants are invited to join IRC channel, as documented on the WG's 
administrative home page: 

Teleconference Time and Length (two hours) 
Pacific   11 AM -  1 PM 
Mountain  12 PM -  2 PM 
Central    1 PM -  3 PM 
Eastern    2 PM -  4 PM 
UK         7 PM -  9 PM 
Paris      8 PM - 10 PM 

Proposed Agenda: 

1. Roll call (present/regrets/absent) 

2. Selection of Scribe based on list below
   New scribes see: 
   - Scribe Quick Start Guide 
   - Scribe FAQ 

Last Scribe Date  Member Name               Regrets pending
2007-06-11        Waschke, Marvin 
2007-mm-dd        Kumar, Panit 
2007-mm-dd        Boucher, Jordan 
2007-06-12        Tabbara, Bassam 
2007-06-13        Smith, Virginia           7/26
2007-06-13        Eckert, Zulah 
2007-06-13        Lynn, James 
2007-06-21        Gao, Sandy 
2007-06-28        Valentina Popescu         all of July
2007-07-05        Brian You 
2007-07-12        Wilson, Kirk              8/2 
200y-mm-dd        Vijay Tewari              through 8/20/2007
2007-07-19        Lipton, Paul 
Exempt            Arwe, John                7/24-8/15
Exempt            Dublish, Pratul           through 7/25/2007
Exempt            MSM 
Exempt            PH

3. Approval of minutes from previous meeting(s): 
   -  7/19 

4. Reminder to register for upcoming face to face meetings
   - August  http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/41079/sml02/
   - October http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/36693/xmlvaria200710/

5. Post-October F2F dates & locations proposed last week, group to surface 
any objections this week
   - week of January 21-25 Orlando, FL, sponsored by PCATS
   - week of March 31- April 4 Redwood Shores, CA, sponsored by Oracle
   If not OK, come prepared with a proposal for hosting on alternate 
   If OK, MSM will communicate our intent on next CG call.

6. Process: see if we are agreed on the bug/action item procedures, given 
several fragmented
   discussions over the past month.  Marv's revised proposal:

   There are two methods of tracking tasks to be performed by the 
   The first is action items, the second is Bugzilla issues. Each has 
their uses. 
   Bugzilla is a tracking system that is designed to manage workflows that 
   involve several people. The flow proceeds from issue identification to 
   It is designed for managing granular development tasks. 

   The Tracker action item system, on the other hand, is designed to 
record action items 
   in the course of a meeting quickly and easily, but it is not 
particularly well 
   suited to more than casual management of items.
   We want to use Bugzilla for tracking all editorial activity to avoid 
entering the 
   same information into both systems. Therefore, all specific actions 
directed toward 
   the editors that will result in changes to the text of the emerging 
standard shall 
   be entered directly into Bugzilla, even if the actions arise during an 
f2f or 
   teleconference meeting.  In most cases, the person proposing action 
will enter the 
   item since they are most familiar with the issue. If more than one 
person wants to 
   enter the item, the following steps shall be taken:
   1.      They negotiate and agree among themselves.
   2.      If negotiation does not avail, the chair shall designate the 
person to do the entry.
   3.      In the rare case that all participants insist on entering the 
           each may enter an issue. Eventually the committee must decide 
on the disposition of the dispute.
   Non-editorial action items that arise during meetings should be entered 
by the scribe 
   as a regular action item. An editorial action item is an action that is 
intended to 
   instigate a specific change to the text of the standard. Action items 
that call for 
   discussion or research rather than a specific editorial action will 
usually be entered 
   as regular action item. The distinction between editorial and 
non-editorial actions is a 
   guideline for efficient handling of issues and intended be followed in 
spirit, not as a rigid rule. 
   Action items are only generated during meetings. Bugzilla issues can be 
opened any time. 
   Most Bugzilla issues will be editorial issues, but they might be on 
other subjects.

7. Reminder: if you have a proposal for the following, please put it on 
the public list.
   Tracked as http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/sml/actions/108

   Process: how to recognize bugs in various states so we can know what 
actions are required next,
   e.g. which issues need discussion before the editors can propose 
wording changes to the group.

8. Review overdue action items http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/sml/

9. Triage any new bugs/issues in Bugzilla at 
   (starting after 4872, per previous meeting). 

10. Finish IRI discussion (time permitting - not an FPWD issue)
n-3. Scribe: update scribe list below in this meeting's minutes, for use 
in the next meeting's agenda: 
   Update the list below and sort it (LRU), leaving people who will be out 
for an extended period near the bottom 
   to keep the names of draftees for the current meeting near the top, so 
when the next agenda goes out people 
   will know if their name is at or near the top of the list to scribe 

Last Scribe Date  Member Name               Regrets pending
2007-06-11        Waschke, Marvin 
2007-mm-dd        Kumar, Panit 
2007-mm-dd        Boucher, Jordan 
2007-06-12        Tabbara, Bassam 
2007-06-13        Smith, Virginia           7/26
2007-06-13        Eckert, Zulah 
2007-06-13        Lynn, James 
2007-06-21        Gao, Sandy 
2007-06-28        Valentina Popescu         all of July
2007-07-05        Brian You 
2007-07-12        Wilson, Kirk              8/2 
200y-mm-dd        Vijay Tewari              through 8/20/2007
2007-07-19        Lipton, Paul 
Exempt            Arwe, John                7/24-8/15
Exempt            Dublish, Pratul           through 7/25/2007
Exempt            MSM 
Exempt            PH

n-2. Scribe: follow the steps in the Scribe Quick Start Guide through 
"Generate minutes" 
   DO NOT use tools that significantly change the source html, like Word, 
to do your editing.
   Those tools make compare tools to sanity check the scribe's edits 
unusable even though it
   renders fine visually (even here, some like Word remove W3C style 
sheets so it renders
   with subtle differences).

n-1. Scribe: (optional)
   Send the original and updated minutes to the meeting chair as an 
editorial check before
   sending to the full list.  Assume the chair will use a compare tool.
n. Scribe: send the minutes to the public mailing list 
   After the meeting, follow the conventions we have agreed on within the 
wg to help 
  people search the email archives more effectively, namely: 
    [w3c sml][minutes] yyyy-mm-dd SML     in subject of email ([minutes] 
agreed to, rest chair's convention) 
  As with agendas, if minutes are updated include a [ver n] "tag" as well.

n+1. Chair
     After meeting, update good standing list

Received on Monday, 23 July 2007 18:11:15 UTC