RE: Proposal for new version of Requirement 3.7 Motivtion

I can only confirm that is true in lots of cases.

When user testing will be part of the total result there must be a strategic plan in place at the same time to back up that the results are evaluated, shared with a diverse group of people within an organisation, used to make the product more accessible and usable, found issues being processed within the way of work and that a diverse group of employees will attend the user testing on a regular basis. 

Only then will the effect of such user testing have clear impact to be used in a measurable criteria system.

-----Original Message-----
From: Detlev Fischer [] 
Sent: dinsdag 9 april 2019 10:28
Subject: Re: Proposal for new version of Requirement 3.7 Motivtion

As I have said before, I think the mere fact that testing with users with disabilities has taken place should not be rewarded since it does not in itself change the quality of the site under test. An awful site stays awful even after a lot of user testing. If then, as a result of such testing, the accessibility and/or usability is improved, that should impact also the conformance to measurable criteria (whether absolute or score-based) - and I am happy to see those criteria extended to realms so far difficult to measure.

Am 08.04.2019 um 20:42 schrieb Jeanne Spellman:
> Here is the proposal for revision of Requirement 3.7 Motivation as 
> requested by AGWG to make it measureable.
> Motivation
> The Guidelines motivate organizations to go beyond minimal 
> accessibility requirements by providing a scoring system that rewards 
> organizations that demonstrate a greater effort to improve 
> accessibility.  For example, Methods that go beyond the minimum (such
> as: Methods for Guidelines that are not included in WCAG 2.x A or AA, 
> task-completion evalations, or testing with users with disabilities) 
> are worth more points in the scoring system.

Detlev Fischer
Werderstr. 34, 20144 Hamburg

Mobil +49 (0)157 57 57 57 45
Beratung, Tests und Schulungen für barrierefreie Websites

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