Minutes of Silver meeting of 19 October 2018

Formatted minutes:

Text of minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                  Silver Community Group Teleconference

19 Oct 2018


           jeanne, AngelaAccessForAll, Charles, jkirkwood


           jeanne, Shawn



      * [2]Topics
          1. [3]Editor's draft
          2. [4]Updates to IA
          3. [5]Plain language and Style Guide updates
          4. [6]AGWG presentation
      * [7]Summary of Action Items
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions

Editor's draft


       [9] https://w3c.github.io/silver/prototypes/EdDraftPrototype/index.html

    <Charles> how does one contribute to this editor’s draft?

    Comment page in Google docs

      [10] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b6QLtztQmALA_6TdvmH2LT5dHPNdUSJCZYHyxwgtp1Q/edit?usp=sharing

    <Charles> all of the links under “Participate” lead to 404

    jeanne: That's a ReSpec issue I have to research

Updates to IA

Plain language and Style Guide updates


      [11] https://w3c.github.io/silver/prototypes/PlainLanguage2/index.html

    I did a comments on the plain language Section Headings

      [12] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m0wpCJwDhNegp0gemGPp1QPXyIjG49kNlkJF_c8ACxE/edit#heading=h.s3569f2a3ujm

    Jeanne: I will make the changes after the call.

    Charles: Was there a decision about following the Style Guide
    at TPAC?

    <Charles> for testing the task of following the style guide,
    you can refer to this:


      [13] https://centerforplainlanguage.org/awards/clearmark/criteria/

    Shawn: We still need to design the specifics of the practice.

    Angela: The Style Guide is at a point where it could be used.
    ... the main points are useable.

    Charles: What are the criteria for testing it? How do we
    evaluate whether they did it well?

    Shawn: We need a template, and that is pretty straightforward
    to do.
    ... I don't expect to evaluate the tests in one day.
    ... I want to also follow how well it was to follow it.

    Charles: Is that going to be an interview, like "how did you
    feel about your ability to complete the task?"
    ... we are trying to learn 3 things: Is the Style Guide
    understandable to follow? Did the outcome match the
    instruction? Did the particular success criteria that you chose
    to re-write present a challenge to this process?
    ... we should evaluate #2 aftewards, but we can ask the AGWG
    participants to answer the question, too.

AGWG presentation


      [14] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1V_nYD27N6kx8gRha0rrdQK8aKyvg7kKXu6rs44We7IU/edit#slide=id.g44d9cf9fde_1_58


      [15] https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Major_Milestones_for_Silver

    [reviewing the slides and making comments]

    Milestones for Slide 4

    Shawn: We will make the milestones available in all formats
    ... we will link to the wiki, but show relevant columns on the
    slide so it is legible
    ... Slide 8 Hessite Diagram

    Jeanne: Concerned because I took it from the IA document, it
    doesn't have alt text

    Shawn: I think we need to replace it.

    Markus: Is the Method the tests?

    Shawn: The Method is a combination of how you do it and the

    Markus: I like the diagram, because it shows how the structure
    accomplishes what you are going to do.

    <Charles> it also helps to compare to a diagram of current
    wcag, which you can find here:

      [16] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oO2Wbrj7RRf5vigzVxe6tG5luI0f9oypcaJANBXTtlE/edit?usp=sharing

    <Charles> a sort of before and after

    Markus: the tagging will help me see how the tags will work

    Shawn: Adding a slide with the diagram of the current structure
    of WCAG

    Slide 10: How WCAG content moves to Silver - very useful slide

    Slide 21: Test Drives. One group creates new content, one group
    writes existing SC into Plain Language, and one group does a
    card-sorting exercise.

    Markus: It would be useful if people did the same existing SC
    so we can do an A/B comparison

    Charles: I wasn't able to find a tool to do a card sort that
    was accessible and free, so we would need to do it in the room.
    ... Don't forget to post the codes for remote access.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 19 October 2018 21:57:40 UTC