Re: Plain Language - HTML/CSS/JS Tabbed Interface Created

Forwarded from Cyborg:

Thanks so much, Michael, for doing this.

The only thing that was supposed to change since then was to maybe add a 
second Design tab for the Usability Testing or Person-Centered Testing. 
This is because the visual design activities and the co-design and 
usability testing activities often get lumped together, which can be 
problematic, as they are sometimes best led by two different groups.  We 
never came up with a great heading for it.  There are some usability 
testing questions currently under design that could move to that new tab.

What's tricky about naming this new tab is that what you do depends 
whether you're talking about component, task-based or overall guidance 
and methods.  If you're implementing a component-based guidance, you 
would probably call this Usability Testing.  Same with Task-Based 
Guidance.  But if you're looking, for example, at Overall Project or 
Product level guidance like: Meaningful Involvement or an Accessibility 
Statement or Data Protections, this may involve more co-design rather 
than just testing with people after you've built it.  Anyway, because we 
hadn't figured that out yet, I didn't add it.  But I think it would be a 
good idea to try to run a few Task-Based and Overall Project/Product 
Guidance and Methods through our plain language prototype to make sure 
the same tabs and headings match.  Probably can't do that before France, 
but shouldn't be forgotten.

In the Get Started tab, there was also discussion about maybe adding a 
heading called: How the POUR Principles apply.  But I'm not sure that 
was decided yet.


Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2018 14:40:36 UTC