Action-175 Requirements for Silver Conformance prototype

Please take a few minutes to look at the section on Conformance that I 
added at the end of the document.  What do you think of this method of 
addressing the Requirements?  Do we need a separate section of use cases 
in addition to the problem statements? It was starting to get 
repetitive, so I didn't, but I could go back and do it if people thought 
it was better.

Please keep in mind the the first part of the document is still 
sketchy.  The link below should link directly to the section that I just 
wrote, but just in case, the first part of the document is just ideas, 
and is not ready for comments.  I'm only asking for comments on the 
Conformance Requirements section.

The subheadings (h3) that start with "Requirement:" , correspond to the 
3 prototypes that we want to create: measurement, the conformance 
levels, and accessibility supported.


Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2018 01:06:16 UTC