Re: Update on Silver research participation

Dear David,

Thanks for moving this process along. As I'd mentioned earlier, I'm
interested in helping with the literature review, especially drawing from
literature and case examples of relevant work outside the field of

Below are some of the questions I'd propose adding to the list, and ones
I'd be interested in contributing to personally:

   - How have guideline development initiatives outside the field of
   accessibility engaged and solicited feedback from all relevant
   stakeholders? What methods have been particularly effective or ineffective?
   - For such initiatives, what have been the key drivers of the timeline
   (whether lag or potential speed efficiencies)?
   - What are the factors that determine effective (i.e. widespread)
   adoption of and compliance with a new set of guidelines?

Hope all is well!


Stanley Lam
President and Chairman
Project Possibility

On 5 Feb 2017 3:32 a.m., "David Sloan" <> wrote:

> Dear Stanley,
> This is a follow-up to your survey response regarding participation in
> Silver, the W3C Task Force exploring creation of next-generation
> accessibility guidelines.
> To provide you with support, answer your questions, and help make sure
> that your input has the best possible chance of influencing Silver’s work,
> we’ll assign you a regular point-of-contact from the Silver Task Force.
> The survey feedback has given us an excellent understanding of the
> interests, type of research activity, and time restrictions (if any) of our
> research partners. But to help us schedule work, we have one more activity
> to ask of you, before we talk to you to arrange your contribution to
> specific activities.
> We spent some time brainstorming research questions that are relevant to
> the task of establishing requirements for next-generation Accessibility
> Guidelines. The current list of questions is here:
> rojects#Proposed_Research_Questions
> Please review the list, and let us know of any additional questions you
> think are important to address. We also need to know the research questions
> you’d like to answer in your research activity.
> Please have a look and send an email to: with the
> subject “Input on Research Questions” with:
> * any proposed changes and additions, and
> * the research questions you’d be interested in answering
> Once you’ve done this, your Task Force partner will follow up with more
> details of proposed research activities and a schedule.
> Thanks again for your interest!
> Best wishes,
> Dave
> David Sloan
> UX Research Lead
> The Paciello Group
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Received on Monday, 13 February 2017 22:25:41 UTC