Minutes of the Silver Task Force meeting of 22 November 2016

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Text of Minutes:


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

                                - DRAFT -

                     Silver Task Force Teleconference

22 Nov 2016

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/22-silver-irc


           Dave, Jeanne, Sarah





      * [3]Topics
      * [4]Summary of Action Items
      * [5]Summary of Resolutions

    JS: What do we information do we need to have to give to

    DS: That's a big question that is related to the depth of the
    information we want to have from the research.
    ... Include the nature of the work we want to be required.
    ... Give the date we want to get the data, whether it is an
    individual or teamprojects
    ... having project ideas is helpful.

    JS: Maybe we are too specific

    DS: Not necessarily. That will help faculty to position it.
    Some graduate students might want to contribute in their own
    ... it depends on the benefit they get from the research.
    ... since this project is helping gather research to design
    Silver and not to contribute directly into the guidelines
    ... presumably there is no money, so the benefit is gathering
    data that could be used in a research publication.

    Research Activities:

    * Build Stakeholder Map, who are the people we want to learn

    * Build surveys to send to Stakeholders and public

    DS: Piloting surveys will be important

    * Interviews - help design the structure and how we get data
    from it. Doing the Interviews

    * Self Reporting Activity - we design a self reporting vehicle
    so people can track how they use WCAG. We could design them for
    different roles.

    SH: Self Reporting is an area where we need help

    DS: I think it is better for the Task Force to design and run
    the survey
    ... there are deadlines for defining projects in the academic
    ... Easter for summer projects. There are post-grads who may
    want to work on those.

    * Research into secondary research into other organizations

    DS: RQTF met last week for the first time.
    ... they discussed a new project on authentication and security
    ... next meeting is Wed, 30 November. There is enough in the
    research section that could be packaged together in a research
    publication, which is motivation.

    <scribe> ACTION: Jeanne to check about research questions and
    whether W3C limits publication opportunities. [recorded in

       [6] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/22-silver-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-3 - Check about research questions
    and whether w3c limits publication opportunities. [on Jeanne F
    Spellman - due 2016-11-29].

    * Analysis of WCAG Adaptations

    SH: We have very specific questions about the WCAG adaptations.
    Along the lines of intellectual property and our objectives. We
    need to make sure our objectives are met. We need to make sure
    there is something in it for others, but we also need to make
    sure we get our questions answered.

    DS: I don't think that is a problem as long as our questions
    are answered.

    s/our questions are answered. /the questions are clearly

    DS: I know people that I can say "would you like to work with
    ... this is a pro bono request, so we should be asking lots of
    people to do small amounts.
    ... the risk of faculty proposing projects to their students is
    that no student takes it on.
    ... Or, if the project is picked up by a student, they may not
    do the project to the quality level needed.

    JS: I had a good experience with ATAG testing using graduate
    students. Some didn't do much, but some were outstanding.
    ... also the surveys, I want help with creating valid surveys.

    DS: Sampling, eliminating bias, how to ask the questions.

    SH: Let's blend a few things that are powerful and effective:
    ... filling the gap, we have all the skills and knowledge we
    need to get a good outcome
    ... their objectives are to do meaningful projects that will
    move poeple foward in their scholarly career.
    ... we want to partner up
    ... we are in a mentoring role, like the Teaching Accessibility
    Initiative, where we bring our expertise in accessibility
    standards, and we bring mentoring. The papers are also done in

    DS: What do we have to do to look at each question to package
    it as a piece of work.
    ... in a 4-month project, the faculty and student would meet
    weekly, and then a 3rd party (us) would meet with them

    JS: I'm concerned about the time commitment of what we are
    getting involved in for a partnership

    SH: The research is what we are doing for the next year.

    DS: Should we invite faculty to join WCAG and/or RQTF. We
    wouldn't need to attend every student project meeting if the
    faculty were a member of RQTF or Silver. Scott Hollier was very
    interested, there are a few academics who have access to
    students that we can tap into.

    JS: I received an email from Rachael with contacts that she has
    reached out to who are interested in participating.

    DS: That gives us two vehicles to approach faculty -- faculty
    themselves, and student projects.

    SH: Maybe our first ask of the research scholarly community,
    "we have this process, informed by evidence, global impact. We
    need your help, we will follow up with specific ask. Our
    introductory packet is making a case for getting people
    invovleed and outlining the benefits.
    ... make those benefits explicit. For example, "we are handing
    you a curriculum for your summer project".

    DS: Expected outcomes are very valuable.

    JS: Let's not waste a lot of time on trying to convince faculty
    who are skeptical. We have people who are interested and want
    to participate. We don't need hundreds of people.

    SH: Package it up so it is easy for them to see the benefits.

    DS: Like "this is suitable for a final year student, or this is
    for graduate students"

    <SarahHorton> This is a brainstorming document for the packet
    for asking for faculty assistance with research:

       [7] https://docs.google.com/document/d/16KKBNSqHukk32fxXRZcpyvuVuEuAm2v9FGuu5xIXrIw/edit?usp=sharing

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Jeanne to check about research questions and
    whether W3C limits publication opportunities. [recorded in

       [8] http://www.w3.org/2016/11/22-silver-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 15:57:38 UTC