Fwd: March Meeting

Dear all,

Despite the odds, we were able to have a productive meeting today. Thank
you all for attending or at least trying to :)

First of all, we have created a folder on Google drive. There, you can find
a skeleton of the first publication. As you will see, the structure is
still to be determined, so please leave your comments in the document. You
should be able to request access through this link, [1] but contact me with
your "google" address if you can't.

Our plan, as discussed today, is to start working on it now and try to have
it ready within two weeks, just in time for the "Linked Data on the Web"
workshop. See the agenda for more details,and our pivotal tracker [2] for
task-specific information and deadlines.

This agenda is also on the wiki now [3]. Feel free to comment on it and
extend it if it's missing any important point.

5 attendees: Michael, Björn, Viviana, Carlos, Fernando Topics:

   - Target/venue for publication
      - Michael proposed the “Linked Data on the Web” workshop at the WWW
      conference. Deadline in 2 weeks.
      - We agree on aiming for that workshop, and re-evaluate as the
      deadline approaches
   - Workflow and plan for publication:
      - Focus on current situation: overview of models and motivation the
      - Shared document online
      - Tentative title: Linked data models for emotion and sentiment
      analysis: an Overview
      - We will look for ways to assemble the final document
      - Viviana proposes commenting on use cases, such as Semotica
      - Once published, the content of the paper will be included in the
   - AOB:
      - There were issues with the Powwownow conference. From now on, we
      will try to meet on Skype.
      - There are issues with timezones and exact times of the calls might
      not be clear

[1] Request folder access:
[2] Pivotal of the CG: https://www.pivotaltracker.com/dashboard
[3] Also available at https://www.w3.org/community/sentiment/wiki/Meetings

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 8:13 PM, J. Fernando Sánchez <jfernando@dit.upm.es>

> Dear all,
> Here's the information to attend the online conference.
> ---
> Dial-in number: 1 415 363 0833, (International Dial-in Numbers +44 844 4
> 73 73 73 / +49 1803 001 178)
> PIN: 911281
> Time of call: 11:00am GMT (12:00 CET)/ 3 March 2015
> Instructions:
> 1. Dial the conference number at the time indicated above
> 2. Enter the PIN, when prompted
> 3. Speak your full name when prompted and then you will join the
> conference. If you are the first person to arrive on the conference call,
> you will hear music. As others arrive on the call you will hear them being
> announced.
> Find out how much easier your life could be with Powwownow's free
> conference calling service. Powwownow - get together whenever!
> http://www.powwownow.com

Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2015 13:02:08 UTC