Re: SWUI Workshop at CHI? (was RE: [CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS] CFP CHI 2008: Workshop/Course submissions due 15 June)

Hi Tom,

I like the name. I would also like some community/social word in  
there for social tagging and Web 2.0 like sites. Without changing the  
title too much, does "Human Interaction with and within the Web of  
Data" get at it?


On 12 May 2007, at 14:26, T.Heath wrote:

> Hi all,
>>> I think broadening the discussion to include social tagging and  
>>> other Web 2.0 topics is
>>> healthy.  In parts it can show people that the gap between the  
>>> "Hyperlinked Web" and Semantic > >> Web is narrowing.
>> I think broad appeal is important, but there's also a strong case  
>> for being very careful not to > dilute the data web message. I  
>> think that tagging and microformats in most cases don't result in  
>> > the same issues (interaction-wise) as are raised by a linked  
>> (semantic) web of data. The sweet
>> spot to find would be getting people along and interested without  
>> having to dilute the message
>> too much. As you can guess, I'm still feeling bullish ;)
> Would a title like "Human Interaction with the Web of Data" capture  
> the essence of what we're interested in whilst maintaining a  
> sufficiently broad appeal?
> What do people think?
> Cheers,
> Tom.

Received on Sunday, 13 May 2007 01:57:01 UTC