from July 2017 by subject

2nd Call for Systems - OAEI 2017: Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative

3rd CfP and deadline extension: Third Image Schema Day (ISD3) @ JOWO, 21-23/9 in Bolzano, Italy

[CFP - Deadline Extension] Re-Coding Black Mirror workshop at ISWC 2017 - Vienna

[Jobs] Research Fellows (3 posistions) - Data and knowledge management, processing and analytics Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway

AgroPortal 1.4 (beta) released - Harnessing the power of metadata

HL7/W3C FHIR/RDF Agenda 11am ET Tue Aug 1: Ontologies for status codes and other codes

HL7/W3C FHIR/RDF Agenda 11am ET Tue July 11: Ontologies for status codes and other codes

IAOA Summer Institute on Upper Ontologies: Final Call for Participation (Aug 8-11, 2017, Toronto, Canada)

ODLS 2017: 3rd Call for Papers, by Jul 17 (!) (Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences, Sep 22-23, Bolzano, Italy; part of JOWO 2017)

ODLS 2017: Final Call for Papers, by Jul 21 (!), updates until Jul 29 (Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences, Sep 22-23, Bolzano, Italy; part of JOWO 2017)

PDDI Task Force meeting set for 8/25 @ 11 Eastern - please mark in your calendar (was Re: PDDI Task Force - Doodle poll for July and August meetings

✈take a look at that cool stuff!

Last message date: Monday, 31 July 2017 22:43:40 UTC