NETTAB 2016 Call for Abstracts and CHARME support information

Dear all,

the deadline for the submission of abstracts for oral communications has
been extended until next July 15, 2016.

NB! If you plan to apply for CHARME support (travel and daily budget), you
must submit your abstract within the above deadline even if it is a poster

I’m looking forward to meeting you in Rome in October.

All the best. Paolo Romano


*Reproducibility, standards and SOP in Bioinformatics*

*A combined CHARME, EMBnet and NETTAB 2016 Workshop*

October 25-26, 2016, Rome, Italy


*Announcement and Call for Abstracts*

The Workshop ‘Reproducibility, standards and SOP in Bioinformatics‘ is
co-organised by the EU COST Action CHARME, EMBnet (The Global
Bioinformatics Network) and NETTAB (International Workshop Series on
Network Tools and Applications for Biology). It is hosted by the ELIXIR-ITA
Node and will be held at the Italian CNR (National Research Council) head
quarter, in Rome.

The workshop will be preceded by a GOBLET/ELIXIR-ITA Tutorial and an ELIXIR
Hackathon on Monday 24th.

*Keynote Speakers*

Barend MONS, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Jacques VAN HELDEN, University of Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France

Chris EVELO, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands

Susanna A SANSONE, Oxford e-Research Center, United Kingdom

*Guest Speakers (confirmed)*

Celia van Gelder, Kristina Gruden, Andrea Manieri, Peter McQuilton, Sarah
Morgan, Patricia Palagi, and Reza Salek


•       Submission of abstracts for oral communications: July 15, 2016 (max
four pages)

•       Submission of abstracts for posters: September 19, 2016 (max two

•       Early registration deadline: September 26, 2016

*Contact information*

•       Web site:

•       Email:

•       Mailing list:

•       Twitter: @NETTABWorkshops

*Topics of interest*

*Reproducibility, standards and SOPs in bioinformatics*, including:

Trends in open science, Open access journals, Open source practices; Good
programming practices for reproducibility; The role of cloud computing in
reproducible research; Computational tools, such as Sweave, knitr,
supporting automatic production of research papers; Standard operating
procedures (SOP) in bioinformatics; Tools, practices, and dissemination
platforms for ensuring reproducibility; Role of workflow management systems
and ontologies in reproducible research; Automatic tools for tracking the
provenance of data, analyses, and results; Data FAIR-ness; Bioinformatics
standards for models and data.

*Bioinformatics Education and Training*:

Special Session held in collaboration with GOBLET and ELIXIR-ITA.

*NETTAB Workshop topics*, including:

On-line databases, software tools, user interfaces; Data integration and
data fusion platforms, integrated bio-search; Grid and clouds applications
and platforms; APIs and Web Services, workflow management platforms;
Semantic tools, biomedical ontologies; Semantic Web tools, Linked Open
Data, SPARQL endpoints; Biological Wikis, social applications for life
sciences; Tools for collaborative development of software, databases and
documents; Mobile bioinformatics apps

*Instructions for abstract submission*

Authors are invited to submit abstracts dealing with the topics of the
workshop through EasyChair at the following address: . The instructions
for authors can be found at:

Works presented at the workshop will be invited to a Call for Papers in a
special issue of a peer-reviewed journal of International level, indexed by
Pubmed and ISI.

*Registration fees and CHARME support*

Early registrations fees are: 130.00€ for students, 200.00 € for
researchers from academia / no-profit Institutes, 300.00 € for researchers
from for-profit companies.

A discount of 30.00 € is granted to members of various Societies and
Institutes. Check the web site for a full list.

CHARME COST Action will reimburse travel and stay costs to presenting
authors of works selected by a purpose review group. Standard COST
reimbursement rules apply.


*Workshop*: E. Bongcam-Rudloff, D. D’Elia, P. Romano

*Education & Training **Session*: T. Attwood, A. Via

*Goblet/ELIXIR-ITA Tutorial*: T. Attwood, P. Fernandes, A. Via

*ELIXIR Hackathon*: P. Romano, R. Jimenez

*Under the Patronage of*

BITS- Italian Society of Bioinformatics

GOBLET - Global Organization for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and

ELIXIR - Research infrastructure for life-science information

Paolo Romano (
IRCCS AOU San Martino - IST National Cancer Research Institute
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10, I-16132, Genova, Italy
Tel: +39-010-555-8288

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2016 07:29:19 UTC