CfP: 5th Workshop on Linked Science 2015 - Best Practices and the Road Ahead @ISWC2015

Call for Papers
5th Workshop on Linked Science 2015 — Best Practices and the Road Ahead

Workshop location: Bethlehem, PA, USA (co-located with the 14th International Semantic
Web Conference)
Workshop date: October 11 or 12, 2015

Submission Deadline: 7 July 2015, 23:59 Hawaii time
Notification of Acceptance: 30 July 2015, 23:59 Hawaii time
Camera-ready: August 20, 2014, 23:59 Hawaii time
LISC 2015: October 11 or 12, 2015

Workshop URI:

Submissions via

Hashtag: #LISC2015
Feed: @LinkedScience

Workshop motivation
Scientific dissemination has been traditionally dominated by publications and presentations. Experimental data underpinning the published findings often remain unpublished or hard to access. Making data entities identifiable and referenceable using URIs and augment them with semantics and scientifically relevant annotations could greatly improve data discovery and access. Linked Science champions an integrated process of publishing, sharing and interlinking scientific resources and data. This is of particular importance for scientific research, where open sharing and seamless access to complete experimental context is crucial for facilitating knowledge reuse and collaboration within and across disciplines.

Semantic Web technologies are gaining maturity and rapid momentum in adoption. The Linked Open Data cloud is continuously being populated with different kinds of data, such as Web table data (, linguistic data (see the LLOD, or the Linguistic Linked Data Cloud as well as many scientific data (such as EBI RDF Platform; However, researchers in many scientific research fields are only starting to explore the possibilities of using Semantic Web technologies. The interdisciplinary Linked Science workshop brings together researchers from different fields to discuss whether and how new emerging technologies, in particular Linked Data, and more generally semantic technologies, can realize the vision of Linked Science.

In our past four workshops, new ways of using Semantic Web technologies for integrating and making sense out of scientific data have been presented, ranging from real experiments and simulations to analytics data analysis, in support of mining of knowledge, enabling reproducibility of research or generation of new cross-disciplinary hypotheses. However, despite of these successes we still find scientific researchers are struggling with adopting the Linked Science approaches, with limited guidance on what constitutes as best practices and even more limited knowledge on the range of tools and technologies available. Therefore, in LISC 2015 we focus on “Best Practices and the Road Ahead”, to help diminish the knowledge gap between technologists and those less tech-savvy. LISC2015 invites participants to think about practical solutions to help apply Linked Science principles and open research challenges. We expect these solutions to facilitate the practice of Linked Science can be found in the yet existing gamut of tools and workflow systems. A special part of the workshop will be devoted to identifying challenges and gaps for less technology-savvy users in disciplines such as the humanities or the social sciences.
Topics of Interest

Topics for submissions include, but are not limited to:

• Tools and workflows for Linked Science
• Linked Data-based scientific experiments
• Integration of quantitative and qualitative scientific information
• Reports about adopting Linked Science
• (Semi-)Automatic hypothesis generation and testing
• Interactive semantic systems
• Active discovery
• Methodology for explorative empirical research on Linked Data
• Citation generation and evaluation
• Reasoning mechanisms for linking scientific datasets
• Novel visualization of scientific data
• Scientific Information Retrieval
• Integration of experimental data using Semantic Web
• Linked Citizen Science
• Ontologies for scientific information
• Semantic similarity in science applications
• Semantic integration of crowd sourced scientific data
• Provenance, quality, privacy and trust of scientific information
• Data sharing, publishing, and reuse
• Experimental setups for replication and reproducibility studies
• Case studies on linked science, i.e., astronomy, biology, environmental and socio- economic impacts of global warming, statistics, environmental monitoring, cultural heritage, etc.

Submission format

We invite two kinds of submissions:

• Research papers. These should not exceed 12 pages in length.
• Position papers. Novel ideas, experiments, and application visions from multiple disciplines and viewpoints are a key ingredient of the workshop. We therefore strongly encourage the submission of position papers. Position papers  should not exceed 4 pages in length.

Submissions should use Springer LNCS template. Guidelines for authors can be found at and submissions should be made to Accepted papers will be published as part of the CEUR workshop series. Linked Science 2015 explicitly welcomes alternative and enhanced submission formats that include datasets, ontologies, and interactive formats. Authors who are preparing such a submission should contact the workshop organizers in advance to make sure we can accommodate for them in the submission and review process.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. All workshop participants have to register for the main conference, ISWC2015, as well.

• Carsten Keßler (, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA
• Jun Zhao (, Lancaster University, UK
• Marieke van Erp (, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
• Tomi Kauppinen (, Aalto University School of Science, Finland
• Jacco van Ossenbruggen, CWI and VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
• Willem Robert van Hage (, SynerScope B.V. and VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Programme Committee

• Mathieu d’Aquin, The Open University, UK
• Boyan Brodaric, Natural Resources Canada
• Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
• Hannes Ebner, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
• Daniel Garijo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
• Alasdair Gray, Heriot-Watt University, UK
• Paul Groth, Elsevier Labs, the Netherlands
• Rinke Hoekstra, Vrije Universiteit, the Netherlands
• Krzysztof Janowicz, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
• Simon Jupp, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
• Craig A. Knoblock, University of Southern California, USA
• Werner Kuhn, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
• James Malone, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
• Zoltán Miklós, University of Rennes 1, France
• Eric Stephan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
• Amrapali Zaveri, University of Leipzig, Germany

Computational Lexicology & Terminology Lab (CLTL)
The Network Institute, VU University Amsterdam

De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Received on Friday, 29 May 2015 10:03:38 UTC