Re: Doodle poll: "Runoff Poll: Weekly Teleconference of RDF Sub-Group of HL7 ITS"


From: Charles Mead <<>>
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 2:20 PM
To: David Booth <<>>
Cc: Dale Nelson <<>>, "Paul A. Knapp" <<>>, Claude Nanjo <<>>, Andy Stechishin <<>>, Michel Dumontier <<>>, "<jmandel@gmail. com>" <<>>, Conor Dowling <<>>, Rafael Richards <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "Solbrig, Harold R." <<>>, mehmet aydar <<>>, Michael Miller <<>>, "<>" <<>>, Vipul Kashyap <<>>, Oya Beyan <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "M. Scott Marshall" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, Keith Campbell <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<Jamie. org>" <<>>, Kerstin Forsberg <<>>, melissa haendel <<>>, Keith Boone <<>>, Alexander Garcia Castro <<>>, "Jiang, Guoqian, M.D., Ph.D." <<>>, "<>" <<>>, Joachim Baran <<>>, Hans Cools <<>>, Sofia Pinto <<>>, Grahame Grieve <<>>, "<Doug. gov>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, Eric Prud'hommeaux <<>>, Stan Huff <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>, "<>" <<>>
Subject: Re: Doodle poll: "Runoff Poll: Weekly Teleconference of RDF Sub-Group of HL7 ITS"

Hi David --

Agree with Dale.  My preference -- which I couldn't see -- is Tuesdays, 11am EST.


On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 4:50 AM, David Booth <<>> wrote:
Wow, that's bizarre.  In my browser it shows as 11am Tuesday Eastern timezone.  Sorry for the confusion!


On 10/28/2014 09:26 PM, Dale Nelson wrote:
Hi David,

I am voting for Tuesdays at 11:00 AM EST, although the poll does not
give that option. I suspect the poll has adjusted for the yearly
daylight time adjustment this weekend; and thus is showing Tuesday 10
AM EST instead?  (and further, it is translated to my timezone, so I
checked 7AM Pacific).

Dale Nelson Co-chair HL7 ITS WG

On Oct 28, 2014, at 5:02 PM, David Booth <<>> wrote:

Those who wish to participate in the "RDF for Semantic
Interoperability" sub-group of the HL7 ITS group (described at ), please indicate your teleconference
availability in this runoff poll, to choose between 11am Tuesdays
or 1pm Thursdays, Eastern USA time:

The Tuesday slot was omitted from the previous poll because that
time slot is used by the W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences interest
group. However, Charlie Mead, co-chair of that group, has offered
the use of that Tuesday slot as a good way to help connect the HL7
and W3C communities.  Others agreed with this line of thinking, so
this runoff poll was created to allow us to choose between that
Tuesday slot and the Thursday slot, which appeared to be the best

Please indicate your preference by Friday 31-Oct-2014.

Thanks, David Booth

On 10/23/2014 04:59 PM, David Booth wrote:
Those who wish to participate in the "RDF for Semantic
Interoperability" sub-group of the HL7 ITS group (described at ) should please indicate your
teleconference availability on the following poll:

Responses due Oct 26, 2014.

Thanks! David Booth

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2014 15:05:20 UTC