Re: linking a symbol with a dataset

We use "has member" to relate arbitrary groups and their members. Our 
implementation is for binary relationships in a relational database, and 
so this should work for RDF too.


Senthil K. Nachimuthu, MD, PhD | Medical Informaticist
3M Health Information Systems, Inc.
575 W Murray Blvd, Murray, UT 84123, USA
Office: +1 801 265 4636 |

From:   Vladimir Mironov <>
To:     Michel Dumontier <>
Cc:     w3c semweb hcls <>
Date:   12/09/2014 03:20 PM
Subject:        Re: linking a symbol with a dataset

Hi Michel,

as everybody knows, atomic means 'indivisible'. In the world of Nature, of 
course, there is nothing atomic. 
However, in the world of RDF subject, predicate, and object are atomic - 
there are no other concepts these three could be subdivided into. 
I haven't seen such a property so far in vocabularies, I proposed it 
because  you guys could not find anything suitable for the task. 
I feel it serves the purpose and nothing may prevent you from introducing 
a new property in want of appropriate ones. This one should be, of course, 
a subProperty of 'partOf'. 


On 9 December 2014 at 19:36, Michel Dumontier <> 
Hi Vladimir,
  Can  you elaborate with a definition for 'isAtomicPartOf'?  Is this
already defined in a vocabulary?

Michel Dumontier
Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics), Stanford 
Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest 

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 12:33 AM, Vladimir Mironov
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> how about 'isAtomicPartOf'?
> Vladimir
> On 8 December 2014 at 18:04, Michel Dumontier <>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>   On the call today we discussed the issue [1] of linking a symbol in
>> a triple (e.g. a subject, a predicate, *or* an object) to a dataset.
>> The use case for this is twofold : to provide a direct link between
>> data items and their datasets in a Linked Data manner, and to survey
>> the use of data items across datasets. While we agreed that using a
>> relation such as dc:isPartOf is fairly natural to link the triple
>> itself to the dataset, it is much less clear for linking the
>> components to the dataset. In Bio2RDF we used void:inDataset, but the
>> domain of this relation is a foaf:Document, so it muddies the
>> semantics by entailing a possible disjoint type with whatever the
>> subject has been typed with (e.g. protein, disease, etc).
>> We discussed the suitability of existing vocabularies, but none, to
>> our knowledge, clearly fit the situation. For instance, can
>> dc:isPartOf ( be used as a logical
>> partition of the dataset with the data item? or is SIO's refers to
>> ( potential suitable, if
>> not somewhat vague?
>> We welcome your thoughts on the matter. Do you know of a suitable
>> relation? Should we consider some new relation such as utilizes /
>> is-utilized-in or is-data-item-in / has-data-item?
>> Cheers!
>> m.
>> [1]
>> Michel Dumontier
>> Associate Professor of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics), Stanford
>> University
>> Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest
>> Group

Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 10:47:36 UTC