Re: owl:sameAs - Is it used in a right way?

On 18/03/2013 04:16, Pat Hayes wrote:
> I know you can do the graph-as-context trick you describe, and you are not alone. This style of using RDF does however directly violate the RDF specifications, and so is not conformant. So there is a risk of your content being misused and misunderstood by RDF users who are unaware of your extra-RDF conventions for keeping contexts separate.

Hi Pat,

(I'd taken such usage to be undefined by rather than directly violating the RDF 

But is it still OK to use the graph-as-context trick to allow that different 
graphs are interpreted under interpretations with differing IEXT mappings (per

This is covered only in the formal parts, which I read as expressed with respect 
to a particular graph and interpretation, so I *think* that would be OK.


Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 10:25:19 UTC