Re: Created vs Issued (was Notes from today's meeting)


Splitting Jerven's points into separate bite sized chunks.

On 3 Jun 2013, at 17:51, Michel Dumontier <> wrote:

> Hi Jerven,
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 6:30 PM, Jerven Bolleman <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanted to discuss one more thing that has been decided in an earlier meeting.
> And that is the choice for dcterms:created or pav:createdOn.
> As a large data provider I want to only share the date that I published the data on.
> i.e. dcterms:issued. Could we change the must to include issued next to created or createdOn.
> This is also a crucial date for the general public while created is not. (e.g. for patent court cases date of publication is critical, the day the file was internally ready is not)
> under the availability section, we have yet to discuss "issued".  From a provenance perspective, "created" is primary metadata, and may coincide with issued for some cases.
I am in agreement with Jerven here: the date a data set is issued is far more important than when it was created. 

I suggest that we move the issued property together with the publisher up to the core part with the status of MUST and move the created/creator/contributor/author properties to the provenance section with the status of SHOULD.


Dr Alasdair J G Gray
Research Associate
+44 161 275 0145

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