Re: Wow....


  James Gosling proved that you can patent the light switch:,+james%22.INNM.&OS=IN/%22gosling,+james%22&RS=IN/%22gosling,+james%22

  What is a proper name for filing such patents? Maybe jobsing?

     Take care

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Luciano, Joanne S. <> wrote:
> Yes, wow.  And what are the implications?
> It is an application, which isn't the same as a patent. It's not clear to me that it would be granted because, if I recall correctly, it has to not be obvious how to do it to someone who practices in the field.  My patents are from 2000 and 2001, so it's been a while that I've been through the patent execution process.  That being said, it may be a bit of a heads-up, be on the lookout.
> Joanne
> On Feb 5, 2013, at 6:21 AM, Robert Stevens <>
>  wrote:
>> Who'd have thought it? I've not seen one of those before.
>> On 05/02/2013 09:44, Mark Wilkinson wrote:
>>> I have no words...
>>> Semantic Interoperability System for Medicinal Information
>>> United States Patent Application 20130030827
>>> M
>> --
>> Robert Stevens
>> Reader in Bio-Health Informatics
>> School of Computer Science
>> University of Manchester
>> Oxford Road
>> Manchester
>> United Kingdom
>> M13 9PL
>> robert.Stevens@Manchester.Ac.UK
>> KBO

IT Project Lead at PanGenX (
The purpose is always improvement

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2013 14:39:26 UTC