[bioportal-announce] BioPortal 3.11 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of BioPortal 3.11. The major
changes in this release are:


.         We have made significant improvements to the performance of the
UI, specifically on displaying terms. You should see many fewer timeouts
and "Bioportal Error" pages.

.         The autocomplete widget now retrieves definitions (if requested)
asynchronously. This speeds up the display of the autocomplete

.         The RDF triple store now supports transitive closure operations

.         The system now respects the property labels exactly as supplied
by the ontology author. Previously the system tried to capitalize and
beautify these but this caused problems in some situations.

.         Searching for terms in OBO-format ontologies by their id now
works reliably.

.         Automated mappings have been rebuilt to include newer ontologies
and newer ontology versions.

.         We now provide examples for how to query for mappings in the RDF
triple store

.         We have added several additional resources to the Resource Index
as the result of our collaboration with NIF. These include:

o   Cell Centered Database

o   ModelDB

o   PDSP Ki database

o   ToxinDB


bioportal-announce mailing list

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 22:57:36 UTC