Call for Papers - Journal of Biomedical Informatics - SI on Biomedical Information through the Implementation of Social Media Environments

[Apologies for cross-posting]


Special Issue on *Biomedical Information through the Implementation of
Social Media Environments*

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to encourage you to submit papers to Special Issue on
Biomedical Information through the Implementation of Social Media
Environments which will be published in Journal of Biomedical Informatics
(JCR 2010: 1.719).

The use of Internet for searching health-related information has increased
during the last few years. A national survey in the USA found that 80% of
Internet users look for health information using the Internet, and 60% of
them indicated that online health information affected their health care
decisions). This constitutes a situation of potential risk since the
reliability of the information is not guaranteed. Such a situation can
generate inefficiency and overrun for the biomedical systems.

The fast growth of the so-called Social Media (Web 2.0 or social networks
such as blogs, podcast, wikis, Twitter or Facebook) may have a large impact
on health care. Nowadays, citizens search for information on the Internet
and consult forums, social networks or blogs so as to learn more about
illnesses, treatments, or health information in general. The implementation
of shared health information platforms based on social networks, such as
Wikipedia, are other interesting applications to consider. Forty-two
percent of all Americans turn to Wikipedia, a collaborative encyclopedia,
for information online and it is therefore often used as a source of health
information upon which actions are taken.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

[!] The combination of social, educational, and biomedical standards in
healthcare systems.
[!] Methods derived from experiences in the development of social medical
communities of practice from both the general public and professional sides.
[!] Utilization of training contents for the general public and
professionals based on electronic health records.
[!] Social models for managing biomedical information.
[!] Social evaluation methods for assessing the quality of biomedical
[!] Biomedical knowledge mining in social environments.
[!] Verification and validation of biomedical knowledge in social
[!] Novel use of Web 2.0 tools in biomedical systems.
[!] Sharing of clinical decision- support systems based on Web 2.0 tools.
[!] The impact of social environments on health care.

The issue will focus on original research papers in these and related
areas. It may also include survey papers designed to provide an overview of
research developments in the fields and methods that are the focus of the
special issue.

*Important Dates*:

Submission Deadline: October 1, 2012

*Special Issue webpage*:
*Official CFP*:

If you have any inquiry, please contact with the guest editors:

Alejandro Rodríguez-González, Bioinformatics at Centre for Plant
Biotechnology and Genomics UPM-INIA, alejandro [at] alejandrorg [dot] com
Miguel Angel Mayer, Medical Association of Barcelona (COMB) and Research
Programme on BiIomedical Informatics (GRIB) IMIM-Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
mmayer [at] comb [dot] cat
Jesualdo Tomas Fernandez Breis, University of Murcia, jfernand [at] um
[dot] es

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 21:10:35 UTC