Fwd: Informal session on the upcoming ICBO 2012: Knowledge Management in Public Health - Experiences Using an Ontology Based Approach (Saturday, 18:00-20:00)

Forwarded on behalf of Laszlo Balkanyi.

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> Dear all,
> Warmly welcome to the planned informal session `Knowledge Management in Public Health - Experiences Using an Ontology Based Approach`. Here is what we plan to discuss with you, who will be interested.
> -----------------------------------------------
> Dr. Laszlo Balkanyi
> Md PhD
> knowledge manager
> www.ecdc.europa.eu
> tel: +46761010708
> Knowledge Management in Public Health - Experiences Using an Ontology Based Approach
> -          informal meeting on 21th July,  18:00 – 20:00, ICB0, Graz
> Time(min)
> What?
> How?
> Who?
> 0-10
> Introduction of participants
> roll call
> participants
> 10 – 20
> Warm up, focusing on one issue: why we think ontologies, terminology systems are needed in public health?
> quick round table
> Cecil, Laszlo and participants
> 20 - 35
> First example in details: HL7 ORU in OWL -  in CDC
> US Centers for Disease Control sponsored HL7 Meaningful Use Electronic Laboratory Reporting Nationally Notifiable Disease Ontology. The structure of the HL7 ORU lab reporting message in OWL and the binding of standards based terminologies (SNOMED and LOINC) will be demonstrated along with how these message based ontologies may be implemented to aid in automated laboratory disease reporting to public health authorities.
> presentation
> Cecil
> 35 – 45
> Comments, questions to first example
> quick round table
> participants
> 45 - 60
> Second example: ECDC terminology server
> The development process of an (ontology based) terminology service at the European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control will be demonstrated. Lessons learned and current experiences with the system in production will be explained. Live access to (full) test version on line will show the system, both the human user interface to browse / edit the value sets and the machine user interface with a flexible, SOAP based interface answering queries of client applications.
> Presentation
> + live access to ECDC TS
> Laszlo
> 60-70
> Comments, questions to second example
> quick round table
> participants
> 70 – 85
> Third example will be the use of ontology for message validation and decision support in the US CDC National Tuberculosis surveillance system.
> presentation
> Cecil
> 85-95
> Comments, questions to third example
> quick round table
> participants
> 95- 105
> Other examples mentioned by the audience on using terminology systems in public health with / based on an ontology thinking
> round table
> participants
> 105-110
> Demonstration of an open source OWL terminology construction tool
> Live demonstration
> Cecil
> 110-120
> Wrap up – suggestion for a position paper
> round table
> participants
> Confidentiality Notice
> If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are hereby kindly requested, to, consecutively, refrain from disclosing its content to any third party, delete it, and inform its sender of the erroneous transmittal.

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2012 19:03:08 UTC