Call for Contribution – ICBO Workshop on Ontology-based Biomedical Data Capture

Call for Contribution – ICBO Workshop on Ontology-based Biomedical Data Capture (see also:

When: July 21, 2012, prior to ICBO 2012 & FOIS 2012

Where: Graz, Austria

Submission deadline: April 15, 2012

In a clinical setting where healthcare professionals are under continuous time pressure, use of ontologies for data capture is still hampered by implementations that do not maximally support the user.

Common agreement on the need for detailed and structured recording of information exists. Graphical user interfaces that apply e.g., pick lists, phrase matching, or natural language processing exist in experimental and practical settings, but evidence for best practice is lacking.

We invite people to this workshop to share their thoughts, experiences, and knowledge regarding ontology-based data capture.


- General theory on user interfaces for ontology-based data capture

- Thoughts on ontology-based data capture regarding the users, the setting and the ontology

- Description of small- or large-scale implementations of ontology-based data capture

- Formative and summative evaluation of implementation

For more information, see the Call for Contribution at
Alternatively, feel free to contact me directly at<>

Ronald Cornet, PhD                    email:
dept. of Medical Informatics           phone: +31 (0)20 566 5188
Academic Medical Center, Room J1B-115  fax:   +31 (0)20 691 9840
P.O.Box 22700                  www:
1100 DE  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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Received on Monday, 13 February 2012 14:35:58 UTC