Re: Telcon Schedule.... logistics

I personally am a fan of Google Calendar, and all the problems described in
this thread could be solved with it. Why not

   - Task and HCLS chairs should set up the proper recurring events on
   Google Calendar.
   - Explicitly set the time zone for those events.
   - Then explicitly invite "public-semweb-lifesci hcls" <> to each recurring event.
   - Add reminders for 1d and 1h prior to event (or set those 2 reminders
   as default for the HCLS calendar overall).
   - Change the agenda for the single events as needed, or cancel a single
   event if the meeting is off.

Doing that will insure that

   - the event/agenda is up to date
   - time zone differences will be handled automatically
   - event updates and cancellations will be sent to the <> list
   - reminders will be sent automatically to the <> list
   - (Google) users who poll the HCLS calendar will always get the correct
   and most up to date events on their calendar, at the correct time slot.

That doesn't take care of the wiki yet, but maybe we could do a Google
Calendar display or list of events feed on our wiki pages. (


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 13:24, Michel Dumontier

> Hi!
>   Each call has a reserved time slot, but the reminders are the official
> declaration that a meeting will happen. Task and HCLS chairs should prepare
> and send out the agenda no later than the day prior (and preferably a week
> before).
>   I have to apologize, as I have been traveling extensively in April to
> far flung places in Canada with poor Internet.  I'll be resuming my regular
> calls as of May 1.
>    Cheers,
> m.
> On 2012-04-19, at 12:05 PM, Joanne Luciano <> wrote:
> Hi Helena,
> I'm very appreciative of the reminders +1
> I'd like the wiki to be reliable too. (I think may have I've
> over-compensated and missed too many meetings in the past - now I'm showing
> up when it scheduled and there's no call (although Matthias also dialed in.)
> Joanne
> On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Helena Deus wrote:
> I agree with Joanne, the calendar can't entirely be trusted so the most
> distracted among us will need a reminder from the chairs as to when these
> hcls telcos happen :)
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Joanne Luciano <>wrote:
>> Hi Michele, Scott,
>> I dialed into the the telcon today, 2nd time this happened recently and
>> it was only Matthias and me that were there. No reminder was sent, but we
>> do have a regularly scheduled telcon, so I made sure to catch an early
>> train so I could be back at my desk in time.   So, are we having regularly
>> scheduled telcons or are we having telcons only when reminders are sent?
>>  (Just so I can plan accordingly)
>> I'm needing to schedule a meeting and need to know if there's going to be
>> a call this coming Tuesday (April 24th).  The Wiki isn't clear re: Linked
>> Life Data -- Is "Tuesday at 12pm EST"  every Tuesday (in which it would be
>> goo to have the plural (or to be explicit) or is it once a month?
>> Is Maximizing the utility.... -- the un-indentation and bullets are
>> confusing -- I'd fix, but I don't know what's correct.
>> Thanks!!!
>> Joanne
>> I'm also confused as to whether there is a meeting this coming tuesday.
>>  I can't tell from the Wiki --
>> *Life Sciences*
>> *Maximizing the utility of linked life science data, ontologies and
>> services.*
>> 2nd Tuesday at 11am EST. Next call May 8, 2012<>
>> .
>>    - Linked Life Data <>: *Best
>>    practices in creating, publishing, linking, querying and visualizing linked
>>    life data*. Tuesday at 12pm EST.
> --
> Helena F. Deus
> Post-Doctoral Researcher at DERI/NUIG

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2012 18:52:20 UTC