Re: Fwd: Nature Publishing Group Linked Data Platform

That's the most frustrating thing about many "triplification"  
initiatives... the use of (only) literals for identifiers!  :-/  It's like  
giving the path information for your URL, without giving the domain-name!   
I don't understand why the Web is so ~intuitive to people now, but the  
Semantic Web is not...?!?  Nobody would ever do that on The Web... but the  
Semantic Web is the same thing - it's the same concept!  How can you get  
it wrong??  How can NATURE get it wrong???

Sigh... my head hurts from the brick wall that I'm trying to break-through  
with it...

Sorry for venting, but I'm sure that Nature invested a lot of money into  
doing this, and... OUCH!  Another brick!


On Thu, 05 Apr 2012 19:00:24 +0200, Egon Willighagen  
<> wrote:

> That they do not do these things yet, sounds like a there are a lot of
> opportunities...
> Egon
> Op 5 apr. 2012 17:41 schreef "Michel Dumontier"  
> <>
> het volgende:
>> In case you haven't seen, Nature PG now has LOD and a SPARQL endpoint :
>> unfortunately, after a cursory look ( hope i'm wrong) - i don't think  
>> the
>> data links into anything on the semantic web... (mesh terms are  
>> literals,
>> pmids are in NPG's namespace with no links to, etc)
>> m.
>>    "Nature Publishing Group (NPG) today is pleased to join the linked  
>> data
>> community by opening up access to its publication data via a linked data
>> platform. NPG's Linked Data Platform is available at
>>    The platform includes more than 20 million Resource Description
>> Framework (RDF) statements, including primary metadata for more than
>> 450,000
>> articles published by NPG since 1869. In this first release, the  
>> datasets
>> include basic citation information (title, author, publication date,  
>> etc)
>> as
>> well as NPG specific ontologies. These datasets are being released  
>> under an
>> open metadata license, Creative Commons Zero (CC0), which permits  
>> maximal
>> use/re-use of this data.
>>    NPG's platform allows for easy querying, exploration and extraction  
>> of
>> data and relationships about articles, contributors, publications, and
>> subjects. Users can run web-standard SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query  
>> Language
>> (SPARQL) queries to obtain and manipulate data stored as RDF. The  
>> platform
>> uses standard vocabularies such as Dublin Core, FOAF, PRISM, BIBO and  
>> OWL,
>> and the data is integrated with existing public datasets including  
>> CrossRef
>> and PubMed.
>>    More information about NPG's Linked Data Platform is available at
>> Sample queries can be found at
>> "
>> --
>> Michel Dumontier
>> Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Carleton University
>> Chair, W3C Semantic Web for Health Care and the Life Sciences Interest
>> Group

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2012 18:37:13 UTC