Re: [linkedlifew3cnote] Next week's BioRDF and LODD telcons

Hi Elgar,

> Can the single meeting conveners make the appropriate changes (time changes,
> meeting cancellations, etc.) for the corresponding events on the HCLS Google
> calendar. That way the calendar would be up to date, the time zone problems
> are automatically taken care off, etc. - all good things.

I am waiting for Eric to remind me what the password is..
Chrome/Google decided not to store it for me anymore after 1 year (?)
and I didn't survive the security challenge. Once I have it again, I
plan to send it to Tim and Anita so that they can maintain the SciDisc
schedule, Michel for TM, John for Terminology.

> It might be helpful to send out occasional reminders on how to access the
> HCLS Google calendar to the various mailing lists. Including the usual blurb
> on how to dial in and how to join the IRC chat in the calendar events would
> be nice too.

That's a good idea! Will do that.


> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 08:23, M. Scott Marshall <>
> wrote:
>> We are currently planning to have teleconferences next week on Monday
>> Nov. 21 for BioRDF and Tuesday Nov. 22 for Linked Open Drug Data at
>> 11AM ET / 5PM CET to discuss progress on the W3C IG notes and related
>> publications. Please mark your calendar.
>> Also, keep in mind that U.S. Thanksgiving is on Nov. 24 so next week's
>> Translational Medicine telcon will likely be displaced.
>> Cheers,
>> Scott

M. Scott Marshall

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 21:11:54 UTC