Bio-Ontologies SIG at ISMB 2010 - Call for PAPERS and POSTERS

<<apologies for cross-posting>>

** Call for Papers

Submissions are now invited Bio-Ontologies 2010: Semantic Applications 
in Life Sciences, a SIG
at Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) 2010, July 9-13, 
Boston, MA (

*** Key Dates

- Submissions Due: April 16th (Friday)
- Notifications: May 7th (Friday)
- Final Version Due: May 14th (Friday)
- Workshop: July 9th-10th (Friday and Saturday)

*** Introduction

Bio-Ontologies: Knowledge in Biology provides a forum for discussion of 
the latest and most cutting-edge research in ontologies and more 
generally the organisation, presentation and dissemination of knowledge 
in biology. It has existed as a SIG at ISMB 
( for 12 years now, making it one of the 
longest running.

We are interested in approachs to organising, presenting and 
disseminating  knowledge in life sciences.

We invite papers in traditional areas, such as the biological 
applications of ontologies, newly developed Bio-Ontologies, and the use 
of ontologies in data sharing standards.
In addition, We invite submissions on a wide range of topics including, 
but not limited to:

- Semantic and/or Scientific Wikis.
- Collaborative Curation Platforms
- Collaborative Ontology Authoring and Peer-Review Mechanisms
- Automated ontology learning
- Mapping between ontologies
- Biological Applications of Ontologies
- "Flash updates" on Newly Developed or Existing Bio-Ontologies
- Use of Ontologies in Data Standards
- Semantic Web enabled applications (such as for enhanced publishing and 
for capturing scientific discourse)
- Research in Ontology Languages and its Effect on Bio-Ontologies

*** Submissions

Submissions are now open and can be submitted through easychair 

*** Instructions to Authors

We are inviting three types of submissions.

- Short papers, up to 4 pages.
- Poster abstracts, up to 1 page.
- Flash updates, up to 1 page

Following review, successful papers will be presented at the 
Bio-Ontologies SIG. Poster abstracts will be provided poster space and 
time will be allocated during the 2 days for at least one poster 
session. Flash updates are for short talks (5 min) giving the salient 
new developments on existing public ontologies (e.g. the Foundational 
Model of Anatomy).
Posters authors can also indicate a desire to provide a flash update.

Unsuccessful papers will automatically be considered for poster 
presentation; there is no need to submit both on the same topic.

** Programme

The SIG will run for two days this year. On each day, the morning 
session will have an invited keynote and selected papers; while the 
afternoon session will have a panel session and selected talks. One of 
the talks session will have "flash updates" from groups developing 
bio-ontologies as part of large international, collaborative consortia 
and from selected poster presenters.

09:00-10:00 Keynote
10:00-12:00 Research Talks (with coffee break)
12:00-13:30 Lunch and Poster Session
13:30-16:00 Research Talks (with coffee break)
16:00-17:30 Panel Session
17:30-close and Poster Session

This year's keynote speakers will by Andrew Rzhetsky (July 10th) and Tim 
Clark (July 9th)

*** Templates

Submission templates are available from the website

*** Organisers

Nigam Shah, Stanford University
Larisa Soldatova, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Susanna-Assunta Sansone, EBI
Susie Stephens, Johnson & Johnson

Susanna-Assunta Sansone, PhD


Received on Wednesday, 3 February 2010 17:18:45 UTC