I thought many of you would enjoy seeing this article from the NYT.
Here's the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/13/health/research/13alzheimer.html
"The key to a collaborative Alzheimer’s project was an ambitious
agreement to share all the data, making every single finding public
Rare Sharing of Data Leads to Progress on Alzheimer’s
Published: August 12, 2010
The key to a collaborative Alzheimer’s project was an ambitious
agreement to share all the data, making every single finding public
“We weren’t sure, frankly, how it would work out having data available
to everyone, but we felt that the good that could come out of it was
overwhelming. And that’s what’s happened.” Dr. Neil Buckholtz, Chief
of the Dementias of Aging Branch at the National Institute of Aging,
in the National Institutes of Health.
Joanne S. Luciano, PhD
Research Associate Professor
Tetherless World Constellation
Department of Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180, USA