Re: Can RDFa be used on XML: pharma information

This is probably technically possible - but you'd need to process a lot 
of complex mage-ml to get out some quite simple information - there's a 
node-edge sample processing graph, plus all the external data files in 
there - mage-ml is mostly tags and the files are large. We've moved 
internally to MAGE-TAB format, we have a MAGE-TAB parser that's being 
used by a couple of groups. We will be developing a standalone 
parser/backend database which will allow users to build a standalone 
atlas. There may be more mileage in developing that parser further to 
support RDF than to persue MAGE-ML.



Kei Cheung wrote:
> This may also be an interesting way of intersecting microarray 
> (mageml) and semantic web (rdfa)  ...
> -Kei
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> I am sorry if I come into this thread very late. Additionally to what
>> Ralph just said, the RDFa distiller running on the W3C site:
>> should actually work with an arbitrary XML file, although only SVG is
>> 'announced' there (which is probably my mistake). If there is a problem
>> then, well... it is my bug:-(
>> Ivan
>> Ralph R. Swick wrote:
>>> At 10:48 PM 6/23/2009 +1000, Rick Jelliffe wrote:
>>>> I see that the 2008 draft
>>>> says
>>>> "RDFa itself is intended to be a technique that allows for adding 
>>>> metadata to any (XML) markup document, including SMIL, RSS, SVG, 
>>>> MathML, etc. Note, however, that in the current state, RDFa is 
>>>> being defined only for the (X)HTML family of languages."
>>> The RDFa specification was designed with the intent that other
>>> languages than XHTML could take advantage of RDFa markup.
>>> (The terminology "host language" was used in some drafts
>>> to signal this direction.)  The charter under which the group
>>> was operating was specific to XHTML, thus the wording in
>>> the W3C Recommendation.
>>>> So I think I will go ahead and add some RDFa markup to the
>>>> XML,     
>>> By all means, reuse the RDFa vocabulary if it seems appropriate
>>> for your application.

Received on Friday, 24 July 2009 21:44:55 UTC