Re: [wbs] response to '2007 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs)'

I attempted to document our best guess plan to the W3C administration
so we could have a slot at the Technical Plenary meeting 5-11 November
2007. This assumes that we extend our charter. Here are my assumptions:

  15 people from HCLS would be at the face to face meeting 8-11 Nov.
  10 of them would attend the plenary day 7 Nov.
  3 of them are members of the Advisory Committee.
  We have neither participant overlap nor joint meetings with other groups.
  We invite anyone to observe.

* WBS Mailer on behalf of <> [2007-05-21 15:40+0000]
> The following answers have been successfully submitted to '2007 Technical
> Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs)'
> (Chairs and Team Joint Group) for Eric Prud'hommeaux.
> ---------------------------------
> Name of your group:
> ----
> What is the name of your group? 
> If your group would like to meeting during the Tech Plenary days please
> indicate so below. 
> Note: you should only fill-out this questionnaire once.  If you try to
> answer it again for another group your first answers will be deleted. If
> you want to give information for two groups note the name of the other
> other group for which you are answering and if the information is the same
> or different for both meetings in the comment box. Alternately, you can
> have someone else from one of your groups answer the questionnaire.
> [ Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group ] 
> Reply here with a group name if not in the list: 
> ---------------------------------
> Attendance:
> ----
> What is the estimated number of people in your group who will attend your
> F2F meeting?
> Please try to be as accurate as possible since space is limited and if
> your group is smaller than you estimate you may prevent another group from
> being able to attend and if your group is larger than you estimate your
> meeting might be rather uncomfortable.
> If your group will NOT be able to attend the meeting please write "will
> not attend" in the comment field below.   The system is such that you will
> have to answer the rest of the questions so please answer "0", "none" or
> "no" as appropriate in the choices below.
> Reply: 
> 15
> ---------------------------------
> Days preference: 
> ----
> Please let us know your preference for a one or a two-day meeting.  
>  If your group would like to request an additional third day, please
> indicate that in the comment field.  We will be able to determine whether
> or not three day meetings are feasible only after making sure all groups
> that want them have two days.
> We will do our best to provide you with your preferred days but cannot
> make any guarantees. 
> [ Thursday 8 (afternoon)  Friday 9 (all day) and Saturday 10  (morning)
> November  ] 
> Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
> ---------------------------------
> Flexibility:
> ----
> Is your group flexible about meeting days? (If you prefer Mon/Tues would
> Thursday/Friday/Saturday be acceptable and vice versa?)
>  * ( ) Yes
>  * (x) No
> Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
> ---------------------------------
> Joint meetings:
> ----
>  With which other W3C group(s) would your group like to meet? 
> [ None ] 
> Reply here with a group name if not in the list: 
> ---------------------------------
> Overlap
> ----
> Are there other groups with significant membership overlap with yours
> which should NOT be scheduled on the same days? 
> Note: we will do our best to avoid overlap, but we cannot guarantee it.
> [ None ] 
> Reply here with a group name if not in the list: 
> ---------------------------------
> Observers:
> ----
> Will you allow observers at your meeting?
> We ask that Chairs monitor the registration of their groups and observer
> requests.
>  * (x) Yes --  non-Members with prior agreement from Group Chair
>  * ( ) Yes -- Members only
>  * ( ) No
> Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
> ---------------------------------
> Member Confidentiality:
> ----
> Will your meeting be member confidential?
> Note: if you indicated above that your group will allow observers, please
> make sure the group and observer confidentiality levels match.
>  * ( ) Yes
>  * (x) No
> ---------------------------------
> Technical Plenary
> ----
> How many of your group will attend the Tech Plenary day on Wednesday 7
> November?
> Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
> 10
> ---------------------------------
> Advisory Committee meeting
> ----
> How many of your group will attend the AC meeting on the evening of
> Tuesday 6 November and the morning of Thursday 8 November?
> Comments (or a URI pointing to your comments): 
> 3
> Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
> until 2007-06-15.
>  Regards,
>  The Automatic WBS Mailer


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Received on Monday, 21 May 2007 16:13:11 UTC