Re: SfN meeting submission

Hi Don, Matthias, John, Kei, et al.,

I too would like to contribute to an SfN abstract in this context.

I believe given the domain HCLS IG is covering - neurodegenerative  
disease - despite the lack of a full, refereed article, this is a  
very important venue in which to present, in order to help bolster  
the relevance and credibility of this effort to the general  
neuroscience community.  With a working demo, it would be a shame NOT  
to have it represented at the SfN meeting.

We could also look to use such an abstract as starting material for a  
full submission to journals that cover neuroinformatics such as  
Neuroinformatics, PLoS Computational Biology, or Journal of  
Computational Neuroscience.

In regards to relevant neuroscience meetings, there are also the  
meetings hosted by:
	Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS):
	International Brain Research Organization (IBRO):

	The Japan Neuroscience Society

	Federation of Asian and Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS)

I'm not certain what the deadlines are for the associated meetings.


On May 2, 2007, at 11:51 AM, Donald Doherty wrote:

> Hi Matthias,
> That'd be great! SfN abstracts are brief (max. 2300 characters  
> including
> punctuation!) so focusing on the value to neuroscientists sounds  
> like the
> right course.
> Abstract may be presented or posters. Slide presentations are kept  
> very
> brief and there is so much going on most people won't see a  
> particular slide
> presentation. Even if we indicate our preference for a slide  
> presentation
> it's likely we wouldn't get it.
> If we do a poster it will be up half a day. We can bring our demo  
> machine
> and set it up next to the poster. (I've seen BIRN and others do this.
> Wireless is generally available.) I think this is the preferred  
> mode for us.
> There is also a $75 submission fee.
> I'm willing to take responsibility for paying the submission fee,  
> getting
> the poster up, staying there while it's up, and working the demo as  
> long as
> everyone is interested in doing this and a demo machine will be  
> available.
> We won't get a paper out of it but I think it's worthwhile to  
> expose the
> end-user community (neuroscientists) to the value the Semantic Web
> technologies may provide to them.
> Best wishes,
> Don
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of  
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 9:37 AM
> To:;
> Subject: SfN meeting submission
> Hi Don,
> I would help with the abstract for SfN where I can, of course. I  
> guess it
> should be even more focussed on the requirements and use cases in
> Neuroscience than the BMC Bioinformatics paper. Mainly a  
> description of the
> collaborating neuroscience groups, their motivation and the types of
> information that we are integrating, and less about the technical  
> details.
> I guess it is much too late to start writing a group paper for the  
> workshop now. A poster abstract would be possible, but I think we  
> don't want
> to present a poster.
> cheers,
> Matthias
>> This year's Society for Neuroscience meeting abstracts are due May  
>> 15th.
>> I'd
>> like to take the lead on submitting an abstract if the team is  
>> interested.
>> Don
>> P.S. This year's meeting is November 3-7 in San Diego, California.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Alan  
>> Ruttenberg
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 12:57 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: ISMB Bio-Ontologies Meeting
>> I forget, was someone submitting an abstract about our work to this
>> workshop?
>> -Alan
>> On Apr 26, 2007, at 1:18 PM, Susanna wrote:
>>> ** Apologies for cross posting **CALL FOR PAPERS and POSTER
>>> ABSTRACTS (Deadline May 1st)
>>> Proceedings in BMC Bioinformatics
>>> *^**^***^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^*****^**^***^* 
>>> *
>>> Bio-Ontologies SIG Workshop
>>> Vienna, Austria: July 20 2007
>>> "Bio-Ontologies: ten years past and looking to the future"
>>> *^**^***^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^****^*****^**^***^* 
>>> *
>>> 15th ISMB & 6th ECCB Vienna, Austria: July 18-25, 2007
>>> Proceedings in BMC Bioinformatics
>>> The long-standing ISMB Bio-Ontologies SIG is in its tenth
>>> consecutive year. This year the workshop will have a celebratory
>>> and reflective discussion on "Bio-Ontologies: ten years past and
>>> looking to the future".
>>> Robert Stevens (1), Phillip Lord (2), Robin McEntire (3), Susanna-
>>> A. Sansone (4)
>>> 1.    School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK
>>> 2.    School of Computing Science, University of Newcastle, UK
>>> 3.    GlaxoSmithKline, USA
>>> 4.    EMBL-EBI The European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, UK
>>> Bio-Ontologies SIG workshop:
>>> ISMB & ECCB main conference website
>>> The workshop will continue offer an informal environment for
>>> presentation and discussion of ontologies and their role in
>>> providing a mechanism for organising, sharing and reconciling data.
>>> This year, to celebrate its tenth anniversary, we have invited four
>>> presenters from the first bio-ontologies tutorial and meeting
>>> organisers to sit on a panel, namely: Mark Musen, Peter Karp, Russ
>>> Altman and Steffen Schulze-Kremer
>>> They will be asked to present positions on the following questions:
>>> 1. What has been the best thing to have happened in bio-ontologies
>>> in the past ten years?
>>> 2. What has been the worst thing to have happened in bio-ontologies
>>> in the past ten years?
>>> 3. How must bio-ontologies progress in the next ten years?
>>> 4. How must bio-ontologies not progress in the next ten years
>>> We are inviting two types of submissions SHORT PAPER papers (up to
>>> 4 pages) and POSTER ABSTRACT (up to 1/2 page) from any aspect doing
>>> bio-ontology research or using bio-ontologies to do bioinformatics
>>> research. Topics include, but are not restricted to:
>>> - Biological Applications of Ontologies
>>> - Reports on Newly Developed or Existing Bio-Ontologies
>>> - Tools for Developing Ontologies
>>> - Use of Ontologies in Data Communication Standards
>>> - Use of Semantic Web technologies in Bioinformatics
>>> - The implications of Bio-Ontologies or the Semantic Web for the
>>> drug discovery process
>>> - Current Research In Ontology Languages and its implication for
>>> Bio-Ontologies
>>> Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, including the
>>> Program Chairs and additionally: David Benton, Suzanna Lewis, Chris
>>> Mungall and Alan Ruttenberg.
>>> The Programme Committee will also select those papers, which are
>>> suitable for further publication in a BMC Bioinformatics
>>> Supplement. Authors will be invited to resubmit full papers.
>>> Submissions due: May 1st 2007
>>> Notification of acceptance: May 21st 2007
>>> Final versions due: May 31st 2007
>>> Workshop: July 20th 2007
>>> -- Susanna-Assunta Sansone, PhD NET Project - Coordinator  
>>> The European Bioinformatics Institute
>>> email: EMBL Outstation - Hinxton direct: +44 (0)
>>> 1223 494 691 Wellcome Trust Genome Campus fax: +44 (0)1223 494 468
>>> Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK room: A229
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> --
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Bill Bug
Senior Research Analyst/Ontological Engineer

Laboratory for Bioimaging  & Anatomical Informatics
Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA    19129
215 991 8430 (ph)
610 457 0443 (mobile)
215 843 9367 (fax)

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Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 21:04:53 UTC