Re: Hosted Triple Store Oracle RDF DM - and access to BioRDF examples in general

William Bug wrote:
> Also - for loading remote LSID resources:
> I thought I remembered after having loaded Roderick Page's Firefox LSID 
> extension, I could just paste the following in the Firefox URL text box, 
> hit return, and the plug-in contacted an LSID Resource Resolution server 
> at IBM to return the resource.
> My plug-ins stopped working when I upgraded to Firefox 2.0.  I just now 
> went to the Sorceforge download page for Roderick's plugin and got the 
> latest version (the first full release - v1.0.0). 

I believe the plug-in on SourceForge is a separate project, but can't say 
for sure...

> It installed just fine, but when I try to access:
> I get an error back claiming "unknown protocol".
> Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

It seems that you need to prefix the identifier with "lsidres:".

Then, instead of "unknown protocol", you get "false"...

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that we never set up a 
resolver, but other identifiers don't seem to work, either: returns "false" 
returns "Error retreiving authority WSDL" returns "Error retreiving authority WSDL"

Maybe a simpler resolution mechanism may not be a bad idea after all ;-)

Received on Monday, 22 January 2007 11:21:31 UTC