Please take a bit of time and fill out the HCLS new charter survey

Hi All,

As Eric P mentioned in an earlier message, the W3C has put out a  
survey aimed at collecting ideas and interests for chartering the  
next iteration of the HCLS groups, with the possibility being either  
or both of an interest group and working group formed starting again  
next year.

It would be so helpful if you could take some time and thoughtfully  
fill out the survey! In particular if there are any specific  
activities or manner of running the group that would make it  
interesting to you to participate again, or more than you have in the  
past, please make that clear. Critical lurkers: Now's your chance to  
set things straight :-)

Needless to say, the chances of the new group(s) doing work you think  
is productive and useful is magnified greatly if you actually go on  
the record saying what that work should be. (however, replies to the  
survey are in confidence)

Feel free to pass this on to colleagues who may also be interested or  
have good ideas. The survey is not constrained to W3C members only.

Survey link:


ps. Please?

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2007 06:12:20 UTC