Re: [BioRDF] RDF query languages

Xiaoshu Wang wrote:
>>> Of course, the best bet would likely be to go with 
>> SPARQL[1], the RDF 
>>> Query Language defined by the W3C RDF Data Access Working Group 
>>> (DAWG)[2].
>>> The DAWG produces specifications for both the query language and a 
>>> protocol to issue queries and receive results (either as an 
>> RDF graph 
>>> or as an XML representation of a result set).
>> +1
>> additionally might be of 
>> use to some interested in learning more about SPARQL.
> +1.
> I didn't know the XQuery in depth.  But my intuiation is that it must be
> designed to query against the semantics of XML, which by specification only
> specifies the semantics of document structure. But the same set of
> information can be represented in multiple ways with RDF/XML.  Thus, any
> attempt to derive the RDF semantics by querying the structure of a document
> runs the risk of miss-"interpretation" or misinterpretation because the
> required another level of indirection is not standardized.  GRDDL can work
> because it is the same person who will authorize the HTML page and XSLT
> transformation sheet.  The same cannot be said with any RDF document.
> Design an RDF-aware application based on XQuery will not be portable to
> other knowledge platform.  In addition, what if the RDF model is encoded in
> language of non-RDF/XML, for instance the Notation-3 family?
> My point is, as always, use the right tool to do the right thing.  Don't
> heck unless there is no other way around.  
> Xiaoshu

I translated the queries from

into SPARQL:


- Example 4 uses COUNT which isn’t in SPARQL.
- It appears that ex9 has no answers on the 10e6 triple 7.0a UniProt extract
- Similarly, none of the queries have any results on the 1e6 triple 7.0a 
extract if I have prepared the data correctly.


Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 14:01:16 UTC