invitation: 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine (MEDNET 2006)

I just want to invite everybody on this list to consider participating
(submitting panel proposals, tutorial proposal, and papers) in the 

11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine (MEDNET 2006)
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto/Canada, Oct 13-20th

Among the conference topics ( )
are "semantic web applications", thus we are specifically and eagerly
looking for proposals and papers from the semantic web community. This
includes panels, tutorials, keynote suggestions etc.

If this group wishes to do a pre-conference face-to-face business/working
meeting prior to the Mednet conference (i.e. on Sat 13th or Sun 14th Oct,
2006), I'd be happy to facilitate this.

I look forward to your proposals. Panel and tutorial suggestions can be made
by filling in the pre-registration form at this link . Pre-registration is not
binding, but it allows us to better gauge the number of participants,
which we currently estimate to be between 600-800. The pre-registration
form also allows you to suggest the title of your tutorial or panel,
should you be interested in chairing one. You will be added to our
mailing listed and informed if the call for abstracts becomes available.
The deadline for abstracts is March 15th. We hope to make a preselection
among panel and tutorial proposals by January 15th.

We are also still looking for keynote speakers, and if you want to put
your name forward, or if you have any suggestions, please start to
discuss this with us.

We also have exhibition space available for software demonstrations of
eHealth applications and medical Internet products and services - please
contact us if you know individuals or companies who would be interested
in exhibiting or sponsoring the conference
( ).

Tutorial sessions are half-day events which will be taught by experts in
a field. The tutor will receive a complimentary ticket for the entire
conference and a small honorarium.

If you want to chair a panel, we would ask you to invite 2-3 well-known
experts to present or discuss a topic of your interest together with you
at a 45-minute session at the congress. If you are interested in this,
please first approach your fellow panellists with your idea, obtain
their feedback and consent, and then pre-register 
providing an abstract for the panel (please also ask your panellists to
pre-register as well). Please note that normally we will not be able to
cover the entire registration fee, travel and accommodation for any of
the panellists, but there will be a reduced registration fee for the
panellists, and you can talk to us if subsidizing your
travel/accommodation would be an absolute requirement for your

Finally, we should point out that there is a $100 discount on the Mednet
registration fee for JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research,
http:/// )
members. As JMIR membership is only
$59 p.a., this is an excellent way to reduce costs further. So if you
are not yet a member of JMIR, the leading eHealth journal, this is the
time to enrol now (see for details)!

Finally, we hope that you can assist us in spreading the word by posting
notes on websites, newsgroups, and mailing lists.

We look forward seeing you in Toronto.
Best wishes
Dr. Gunther Eysenbach
Chair, 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine, Toronto, Canada


Tracks and themes at Mednet 2006
World Congress on Internet in Medicine, Toronto, Oct 13-20

* Health-e Body Weight: Ehealth technologies for healthy eating
and active lifestyle
* Cancer and the Internet
* Web-Assisted Tobacco Interventions
* Psychobehavioral interventions on the Internet
* Evaluation and methodological issues in ehealth
* Web-based medical education
* Health communication on the internet
* Patient portals
* Putting electronic health records online
* E-trials: Using the web and e-technologies for clinical trials
* Public (e-)health, population health technologies, surveillance
* Internet for disease prevention
* eHealth for chronic diseases
* Online pharmacies
* Internet based publishing and peer-review
* Open Access publishing in medicine
* Usability and human factors on the web
* Health information on the web: Supply and Demand
* Next Generation Internet Health Applications
* Semantic Web applications and search engine technologies
* Telehealth and medical practice using IP technologies
* Business opportunities in ehealth

Gunther Eysenbach MD, MPH

Senior Scientist, Centre for Global eHealth Innovation
Division of Medical Decision Making and Health Care Research; 
Toronto General Research Institute of the UHN;

Associate Professor, 
Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of

Editor/Publisher, Journal of Medical Internet Research

Executive Director, WebCite Consortium,

Chair, 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine (MEDNET 2006),

Mailing address:
Centre for Global eHealth Innovation
Toronto General Hospital
R. Fraser Elliott Building, 4th Floor,  room # 4S435, 
190 Elizabeth Street
Toronto, ON   M5G 2C4
telephone (+1) 416-340-4800 Ext. 6427
fax (+1) 416-340-3595

eHealth Centre:

Visit the leading peer-reviewed Open Access eHealth journal -
Journal of Medical Internet Research: 
Free subscriptions * Open Access * Rapid Peer-review * High impact

Preserve your web references from disappearing - use WebCite at for citing webpages
Pre-register for the 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine (MEDNET

Received on Saturday, 7 January 2006 17:13:36 UTC