RE: Fwd: Nature: A call for a public gene Wiki

I agree, a wiki would be great way for sharing
knowledge as it would allow experts of a protein, of a
gene to freely add, modify and share annotations. But
I fear it could also be a problem for knowledge
discovery  because a wiki is not a "semantic web"
source of information. Just see the "problem" existing
with the abstracts of pubmed: there are many papers[1]
about softwares trying to extract and digest the
knowledge contained in the abstracts. I feel something
like a WIKI but based on semantic web / RDF would be
better. In a perfect world, publishers should provide
a RDF version of the abstract describing the content
of the article. However, some publishers already try
to add RDF in the electronic version of the papers: I
remember a message on this list from Dr Cockerill
(BioMed Central) who suggested to look at the source
of (an
information about the licence is embedded in the HTML,
but you may think about  other data...). 

Pierre Lindenbaum PhD.

[1] a recent review:

--- Alan Ruttenberg <> wrote :
> Here's an opportunity for a swiki.
> -Alan
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: "Robison, Keith" <>
> > Date: February 6, 2006 10:31:32 AM EST
> > Subject: Nature: A call for a public gene Wiki
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Keith Robison, Ph.D.
> > Sr Scientist II, Computational Biology
> > Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc
> > 350 Massachusetts Avenue
> > Cambridge MA 02139


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Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2006 11:01:36 UTC