Re: Semantic web article in Nature Biotechnology


Here is an initial list I constructed simply by querying Pubmed; perhaps we could put up such a list on the W3C site:

Cheung KH, Yip KY, Smith A, Deknikker R, Masiar A, Gerstein M.
YeastHub: a semantic web use case for integrating data in the life sciences domain.
Bioinformatics. 2005 Jun 1;21 Suppl 1:i85-i96.

Hughes G, Mills H, De Roure D, Frey JG, Moreau L, schraefel MC, Smith G, Zaluska E.
The semantic smart laboratory: a system for supporting the chemical eScientist. Org Biomol Chem. 2004 Nov 21;2(22):3284-93. Epub 2004 Oct 18

Boyer C, Geissbuhler A. A decade devoted to improving online health information quality.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2005;116:891-6. 

Murray-Rust P, Rzepa HS, Williamson MJ, Willighagen EL.
Chemical markup, XML, and the World Wide Web. 5. Applications of chemical metadata in RSS aggregators.
J Chem Inf Comput Sci. 2004 Mar-Apr;44(2):462-9. 

Coles SJ, Day NE, Murray-Rust P, Rzepa HS, Zhang Y.
Enhancement of the chemical semantic web through the use of InChI identifiers.
Org Biomol Chem. 2005 May 21;3(10):1832-4. Epub 2005 Apr 18. 

Aitken S, Korf R, Webber B, Bard J.
COBrA: a bio-ontology editor.
Bioinformatics. 2005 Mar;21(6):825-6. Epub 2004 Oct 28. 

Slaughter LA, Soergel D, Rindflesch TC. 
Semantic representation of consumer questions and physician answers.
Int J Med Inform. 2005 Aug 23; [Epub ahead of print] 

Neumann E. 
A life science Semantic Web: are we there yet?
Sci STKE. 2005 May 10;2005(283):pe22. 

Choi J, Jenkins ML, Cimino JJ, White TM, Bakken S.
Toward semantic interoperability in home health care: formally representing OASIS items for integration into a concept-oriented terminology.
J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2005 Jul-Aug;12(4):410-7. Epub 2005 Mar 31. 

Cuggia M, Mougin F, Le Beux P. 
Indexing method of digital audiovisual medical resources with semantic Web integration.
Int J Med Inform. 2005 Mar;74(2-4):169-77. 

Hoelzer S, Schweiger RK, Boettcher H, Rieger J, Dudeck J.
Indexing of Internet resources in order to improve the provision of problem-relevant medical information.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2002;90:174-7. 

Nardon FB, Moura LA. 
Knowledge sharing and information integration in healthcare using ontologies and deductive databases.
Medinfo. 2004;11(Pt 1):62-6. 

Vyas H, Summers R. 
An information-driven approach to pharmacogenomics.
Pharmacogenomics. 2005 Jul;6(5):473-80. 

Turinsky AL, Ah-Seng AC, Gordon PM, Stromer JN, Taschuk ML, Xu EW, Sensen CW. 
Bioinformatics visualization and integration with open standards: the Bluejay genomic browser.
In Silico Biol. 2005;5(2):187-98. 

Kim HG, Ha BH, Lee JI, Kim MK. 
A multi-layered application for the gross description using Semantic Web technology.
Int J Med Inform. 2005 Jun;74(5):399-407. Epub 2004 Dec 21. 


--- Eric Miller <> wrote:

> Thanks EricJ for the pointer. Good read! :)
> Would anyone be interested in collecting a set of
> similar articles?   
> I think this would be a helpful addition to the
> applications and  
> demonstrations [1] in helping connect people to
> projects to ideas, etc.
> [1]
> --
> eric miller                             
> semantic web activity lead              
> w3c world wide web consortium           
> On Sep 13, 2005, at 2:23 AM, Eric Jain wrote:
> >
> > Just found this:
> >
> > "From XML to RDF: how semantic web technologies
> will change the  
> > design of 'omic' standards"
> >
> >

Received on Tuesday, 20 September 2005 14:33:40 UTC