REMINDER: W3C Position Papers Due 15 September

Just a friendly reminder...please send this along to anyone who is 
interested in Semantic Web for Life Sciences.

Informal position papers are due next Wednesday, 15 September, for the 
World Wide Web Consortium's Workshop on Semantic Web for Life Sciences.  
Papers should be 1-5 pages in length and touch on either Semantic Web 
technologies such as RDF and OWL or community-driven data standards such 
as LSID. 

Keynote speakers will be:
-  Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the WWW and Director of the W3C
-  Ken Buetow, Director, National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics

We have confirmed speakers from several of the top pharmaceutical 
companies, local universities and the US government.  A preliminary 
agenda will be published shortly and registration will begin in a few 

Details are available at, and 
thanks to those of you who have already submitted papers! 


John Wilbanks
W3C Fellow
Semantic Web - Life Sciences
617-253-5845 (direct)
617-838-6333 (mobile; best voicemail #)

Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2004 13:26:12 UTC