RE: Berlin F2F draft minutes, resolutions & presentation slides

> From: Kostiainen, Anssi <>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:44 PM
> We made significant progress at this F2F as witnessed by a number of
> resolutions documented in the minutes (a summary of resolutions at the
> bottom of the minutes).

Direct links to these resolutions for day 1 and 2:

> These F2F resolutions are considered provisional until a 10-day review period
> has passed to allow participants who did not attend the F2F in-person to
> participate in decision-making on an equal footing. Please let me know by 7
> June 2019 if you have concerns or comments regarding the F2F resolutions.
> Discussion in related issues and PRs can continue meanwhile.
> Any corrections or amendments to the minutes in general are also welcome.
> (We'll make an archival copy of the presentation slides to and link from
> the minutes.)

Now done, the slides are linked from the top of the minutes. I also added links to relevant slides and other documents throughout the minutes to give more context to discussions.


Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 11:05:12 UTC