Second Screen WG/CG F2F 16-17 Sep 2019

Hi Second Screen WG/CG,

Our Fukuoka F2F is less than a month away, and the overall plan is developing at:

Two things to note: registration is open and agenda suggestion are welcome. 

## Registration

Please remember to register by 6 Sep if you plan to attend or observe, instructions on the above page. We also provide WebEx for remote participants, details on the same page too.

## Agenda

The detailed agenda is work in progress and Mark volunteered to take a stab at it. It will be provided for group review well ahead the meeting. Any suggestions, please let us know.

High-level topics for discussion will include:

* Open Screen Protocol

v1 wrap up, ensure spec reflects Berlin consensus, TAG explainer.

* Remote Playback API

Address issues raised by new implementers, look into topics that inform possible future work.

* Presentation API

Evaluate interest on v2 features. Current interest to work on Local Presentation Mode as a replacement for 1-UA mode, Remote Playback API interaction.

* Rechartering

WG charter ends 31 December 2019. We need to recharter to finalize the work we have ongoing, and also have an option to propose to expand the scope. The final WG charter draft needs to be fed into the W3C's review machinery by mid-Oct, so exiting F2F we should have a concrete WG charter draft proposal in our hands.

Please provide your suggestions as issues or (preferably) as PRs against the WG charter repo ahead the F2F:

See you all in Fukuoka next month! 


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG chair)

Received on Thursday, 22 August 2019 07:58:39 UTC